Animals under Environmental Studies (EVS)

Topic Animals under Environmental Studies for various competitive examinations mainly CTET, UPTET and Other TETs. Animal Groups, Classification of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Respiration Organs, Benefits, Sense Organs in Animals are given below:

Animal Groups

Animals are divided in following six groups.

  1. Fishes
  2. Reptiles
  3. Birds
  4. Insects
  5. Mammals
  6. Amphibians

Animal Groups

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Habitat of Animals

A habitat is a place where living things live. Animals live in habitats where they are adapted most. Habitat of animals are classified as below:

  • Land Animals
  • Water Animals
  • Land and Water Animals
  • Air Habitat Animals
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Classification of Animals

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Respiration Organ in Animals

AnimalsRespiratory Organ
FrogLung and Skin
Flies Haikia
Earthworm Skin
Human, Lion, Snakes, BirdsLungs
Octopus, FishGills
Whale, DolphinLungs, Nose

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Benefits with Animals

Animals Benefits
BeesHoney and Wax
Cow , Buffalo, Goat, Hen, Duck, FishMilk, Meat, Egg
EarthwormFarmer Friend
Crow, Dog, Kite, Vulture, EagleCleaning Animals
Sheep, Goat, Camel, RabbitKnitting yarn
Cow, bull, Buffalo,SheepLeather

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Sense Organs and Stimulation in Animals

Mainly there are 5 types of sense organs in animals which are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. These sense organs help animals for various activities as below:

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  • Ants can recognize there groups by odour released by ants.
  • Some insects like silkworm can identify female from their smell.
  • Some birds like eagle, vulture can see four times more than humans, which help them to identify their targets.
  • Birds can see two different images at the same time because they have eyes on both the side of their head.
  • Elephant uses their ears to blow air along with listening.
  • Snakes can’t listen so they absorb vibrations from earth to determine the danger.
  • Nocturnal animals (Owl, Raccoon) can only see white and black colour.
  • Mosquito find a human in dark by heat of the feet and smell of the body
  • Dog, Lion and Tiger can identify their area by smell of their excreta.
  • Frog and Lizard use their tongue to catch their hunt.
  • Cockroach has the organism to walk and fly.

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