Motivation and Type of Motivation for CTET and TET
In this post you will learn about Motivation and Motivation Type for CTET and TET preparation. Motivation is a latin word derived from “motum”. It means to move/in-motion. Motivation is internal energy force which makes a person to initiate any work, activity or sustain the activity. According to William Mc Dougall “Motivation is physiological and…
Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation
Micro teaching is a teacher training technique. This technique was was first developed by Dwight W Allen in 1963. It is an effective technique, used to build up skills, confidence and modification of teaching style and behavior in teachers. Therefore, it helps to learn and practice giving constructive feedback. Read – Piaget theory of Cognitive…
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs – for CTET other TET
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs also known as Maslow’s Theory of Motivation states that man’s behaviour is controlled by both internal and external motivational factors which he calls ‘needs’. He described that some needs are more basic or more powerful than other and as the needs are satisfied, other higher needs emerge. Maslow classified needs into two categories:-…
Learning Disabilities – for CTET and other TET Exams
Learning disabilities is an important topic for CTET and other state TET Exams preparation. Learning disabilities are neuro-biological disability that affect one’s ability to listen, speak, think, write, read, problem solving. Few types of such disabilities are Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and Dysphasia/ Aphasia. 1. Dyslexia Dyslexia is the disability with reading. Children face difficulty…
10 Important Questions on Motivation for CTET and other TET Exams
Dear aspirants, following are the 10 Important Questions on Motivation for CTET and other TET Exams. Practice them for your CTET or any other 1. To encourage children to put in efforts in their studies, teacher need to……….?a) Control the childb) Scold the childc) Compare the child with othersd) Motivate the child 2. …………word is…
भारत में नदियों के किनारे बसे शहर/ Nadiyon ke Kinare base Sahar
भारत में बहुत से शहर नदियों के किनारे बसे हैं । विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परीक्षायों के लिए, भारत में नदियों पर बसे प्रमुख शहर / India me Nadiyon ke Kinare base Sahar, Riverside Cities in India, एक महत्वपूर्ण और स्कोरिंग विषय है। विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परीक्षायों के लिए भारत में नदियों पर बसे प्रमुख शहर निम्नलिखित हें :- Read – CTET Syllabus 2019…
Piaget theory of Cognitive Development
In Piaget theory of Cognitive Development, Piaget observed that children think in a different way from adults. Therefore, Piaget put an idea that “Thought not only determines language, but also precedes it”. Following are the Stages of Development as per Piaget theory of Cognitive Development :- Read – CTET Syllabus 2019 for Paper II –…
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