For any competitive examination good English vocabulary is very much necessary. Antonyms are the words which have opposite meaning. Some of the important antonyms for competitive exams are given below. Meaning of words and their antonyms are also given for better understanding. Memorize and practice them for your exams preparations.
Best CTET Preparation BooksImportant Antonyms (Letter A-B)
Word | Antonyms |
Accept (स्वीकार करना) | Reject (अस्वीकार करना) |
Admire (प्रशंसा करना) | Despise (नफरत करना) |
Abolish (उन्मूलन करना) | Conform (नियमों का पालन करना) |
Abundance (अधिकता) | Dearth (कमी) |
Absence (अनुपस्थित) | Presence (उपस्थित) |
Ancient (प्राचीन) | Modern (आधुनिक) |
Acquit (क्षमा देना) | Convict (सजा देना) |
Abandon (छोड़ देना) | Retain (बनाए रखना) |
Barren (बंजर) | Fertile (उपजाऊ) |
Barbarous (असभ्य) | Civilized (सभ्य) |
Begin (शुरु) | Finish/End/Stop (समाप्त) |
Belittle (घ्र्णा करना) | Praise/Exaggerate (प्रशंसा करना) |
Base (तल) | Top/Apex (शिखर) |
Bankrupt (दिवालिया) | Solvent (करदानक्षम) |
Bend (मोड़ना) | Straighten (सीधा करना) |
Beyond (दूर) | Near/Close (पास) |
Also Read – Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning
Important Antonyms (Letter C-E)
Word | Antonyms |
Care (ध्यान) | Neglect (तिरस्कार) |
Capture (पकड़ना) | Free/Liberate (स्वतंत्र करना) |
Comply (स्वीकार करना) | Ignore/Disobey (अवज्ञा करना) |
Callous (कठोर) | Kind/Compassionate(दयालु) |
Dangerous (खतरनाक) | Safe/Harmless (सुरक्षित) |
Death (कमी, अकाल) | Abundance (अधिकता) |
Dawn (प्रभात) | Dusk (गोधूली) |
Decay (क्षरण) | Prosper/Flourish (बढ़ना) |
Darken (अंधेरा करना) | Lighten/Brighten (रोशनी करना) |
Enjoy (पसंद) | Dislike/Hate (घ्रणा) |
Enlarge (बड़ा करना) | Reduce/Diminish/Lessen (छोटा करना) |
Enemity (शत्रुता) | Friendship/Goodwill (मित्रता) |
Entrance (प्रवेश मार्ग) | Exit (निकास) |
Earthly (सांसारिक) | Heavenly/Spiritual (आध्यात्मिक) |
Elementary (प्रारम्भिक) | Advanced/Senior (उन्नत) |
Also Read -List of Important Days – National and International
Important Antonyms (Letter F-G)
Word | Antonyms |
Failure (असफलता) | Success (सफलता) |
Faith (विश्वास) | Distrust (अविश्वास) |
Factual (वास्तविक) | Untrue/Fictitious (काल्पनिक) |
Fake (जाली) | Sincere/Genuine/Authentic (सही) |
Fatal (खतरनाक) | Harmless/Beneficial (फायदेमंद) |
Fantastic (काल्पनिक, अच्छा) | Real/Ordinary/Poor (वास्तविक, बेकार) |
Genius (बुद्धिमान) | Dolt (मूर्ख) |
Glory (यश) | Shame/Disgrace/Blash Phemy (शर्म) |
Generous (उदार) | Meagre/Selfish/Mean (स्वार्थी) |
Gather (इकट्ठा होना) | Separate/Scatter/Disperse (तितर बितर होना) |
Get (पाना) | Lose (खोना) |
Generally (सामान्यत:) | Unusually/Particularly/Rarely (दुर्लभ) |
Also Read -विश्व की प्रमुख मुद्राएं Currency of Different Countries in Hindi
Important Antonyms (Letter H-J)
Word | Antonyms |
Hide (छिपाना) | Reveal/Disclose (बताना) |
Hold (पकड़ना) | Giveup/Hand over/Release (छोड़ना) |
Harmony (सहमति) | Disagreement (असहमति) |
Haste (जल्दी) | Delay (देरी) |
Helpless (असहाय) | Fit/Capable (समर्थ) |
Hardly (मुश्किल से) | Fully/Undoubtedly (निस्संदेह) |
Heavily (दुख से) | Lightly/Slightly/Happily (खुशी से) |
Hardy (साहसी) | Delicate/Weak/Cowardly (डरपोक) |
Illuminate (प्रकाशयुक्त करना) | Darken (अंधेरा करना) |
Imprison (कैद) | Free/Release/Liberate (आजाद) |
Ignorance (अज्ञान) | Knowledge/Enlightenment (ज्ञान) |
Illusion (भ्रम) | Reality (सच्चाई) |
Idle (रुका हुआ) | Active/Industrious (सक्रिय) |
Join (साथ आना) | Leave/Separate (छोड़ना) |
Juicy (रसीला) | Dry (सूखा) |
Joyful (आनंदायक) | Sad/Depressed/Miserable (दुखी, उदास) |
Also Read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development
Important Antonyms (Letter K-O)
Word | Antonyms |
Keen (उत्सुक) | Dull/Apathelic/Blunt (कुंठित) |
Know (जानना) | Ignore/Misunderstand (गलत समझना) |
Lead (नेत्रत्व करना) | Follow/Trail (अनुगमन करना) |
Lack (कमी) | Abundance/Sufficiency/Excess (अधिकता) |
Leave (जाना) | Come/Arrive/Stay (आना) |
Lavish (खर्चीला) | Frugal/Meagre (मितव्ययी) |
Maintain (बनाए रखना) | Neglect/Deny/Breakoff (उपेक्षा) |
Make (बनाना) | Destroy/Demolish (नष्ट करना) |
Majority (बहुमत) | Minority (अल्पमत) |
Malevolent (द्रोही) | Benevolent (हितकारी) |
Main (मुख्य) | Subsidiary (सहायक) |
Nonsense (अनर्थक) | Sense/Wisdom (विवेक) |
Notice (ध्यान देना) | Overlook/Ignore/Disregard (ध्यान न देना) |
Nasty (गंदा) | Delightful/Agreeable/Pleasant (अच्छा) |
Obey (आज्ञा मानना) | Disobey/Defy/Ignore (आज्ञा नहीं मानना) |
Also read – Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation
Important Antonyms (from letter P onward)
Word | Antonyms |
Pardon (माफ करना) | Punish/Blame (सजा देना) |
Pernicious (नुकसानदायक) | Beneficial/Favourable (फायदेमंद) |
Peace (शांति) | Conflict/War/Agitation/Noise (झगड़ा) |
Paradise (स्वर्ग) | Hell (नरक) |
Quickly (तेजी से) | Slowly (धीरे से) |
Sorrow (दुख) | Joy/Pleasure/Delight (आनंद) |
Seldom (कभी-कभी) | Frequently/Often (प्राय:) |
Tribute (प्रशस्ति) | Reproach/Criticism (आलोचना) |
Union (जुड़ना) | Parting/Separation (अलग होना) |
Unity (एकता) | Discord/Division (बंटवारा) |
Vanity (घमंड) | Worth/Humanity/Modesty (विनम्रता) |
Virtue (गुण) | Sin/Vice (अवगुण) |
Also read – Divisibility Rules of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
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