Dear readers, following are some of the important Questions on Noun for CTET, UPTET and other TET exams. Answers of these questions are given in the last of the post.
Important Questions on Noun
1- The word “Anaesthetic” is
a) an adjective
b) an adverb
c) a noun
d) both a and c
2- Which one of the following words is a Noun?
a) Interesting
b) Develop
c) Teacher
d) Brave
3- I respect the beliefs of my astrologer. The word “belief” is
a) a noun
b) an adverb
c) an adjective
d) a part of the verb
4- Change the following verb into noun.
a) Successful
b) Succeeding
c) Success
d) Successfully
5- What is the noun of the word “pedagogic”?
a) Pedagogically
b) Pedagogical
c) Pedagogy
d) None of these
6- Choose the noun form of the given word.
a) Strongly
b) Strongness
c) Strength
d) Strengthen
7- Choose the correct noun.
The dog picked up the ……. of the thief.
a) sent
b) scent
c) seent
d) perfume
8- Choose the noun form of the given word.
a) Gravely
b) Graveness
c) Gravel
d) Gravity
9- Choose the noun form of following word
a) Selectivity
b) Selecting
c) Selection
d) Selected
10- Change the following verb into a noun.
a) Approving
b) Approval
c) Approved
d) Approves
Answers of above Important Questions on Noun for CTET, UPTET and Other TET
1(d), 2(c), 3(a), 4(c), 5(c), 6(c), 7(b), 8(d), 9(c), 10(b)
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