The abacus is one of many types of counting devices which are used to count large numbers. To Learn Abacus is useful for teaching children simple mathematics and especially multiplication etc. Moreover, abacus is an excellent substitute for rote memorization of multiplication tables, which is a desirable task for young children.
Benefits of Abacus
When children manipulate the beads of the Abacus, communication between the hands and the brain stimulates the brain’s right and left side. The right hemisphere – abstract side – creates an image memory of the beads on the Abacus while the left hemisphere – logical side – applies the requisite rules to perform the calculation. When both sides of the brain are activated through the ABACUS learning, it results in strengthening the right-brain capabilities such as concentration, memory retention & recall, speed, accuracy etc.
On eLearnBuzz, you/your child can learn ABACUS online free with the help of following videos.