General Knowledge is an essential part of learning. It is necessary to build a strong base for future competitive examinations for kids. The GK Questions for Kids given in this post is useful for enhancing the knowledge of Kids. Kids will also enjoy answering these questions.
GK Questions for Kids
Q.- How many zeros are there in thousand?
Q.- Who invented Computer?
Charles Babbage
Q.- Where is the parliament of India Situated?
New Delhi
Q.- When Sun goes down it is called what?
Q.- Name the four directions?
East, West, North, South
Q.- Which gas do we breathe in?
Q.- What does Popeye the sailor eats?
Q.- Name the place where you find lots of books to read in your school?
Q.- In which season do we mostly eat Ice cream?
Q.- Name the plants found in the desert?
Q.- Which bird used to carry mails in olden days?
Q.- Which bird is black in color?
Q.- What is the sun made up of?
Q.- Snow falls in which season?
Q.- Which object is used to erase a pencil mark?
Q.- Who was the first prime minister of India?
Jawaharlal Nehru
Q.- Which part of computer shows you pictures and videos?
Q.- Which wild animal rhymes with ‘box’?
Q.- Which flower faces the sun?
Q.- How many planets do we have in solar system?
8 Planets
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