• Classification of Computer for Competitive Exams

    Computer Classification
    Image Source Pexel.com

    Dear Readers, In this post Classification of Computer is given. Basically Computer is an electronic machine that accepts data (input) from the user, processes the data by performing calculations and operations on it and then generates the desired results (output) to the user.

    Computers are mainly classified on the basis of Size, Work and Purpose as following:

    Computer Classification on the basis of Size

    On the basis of size, computers are classified as (i) Micro Computer, (ii) Mini Computer, (iii) Mainframe Computer and (iv) Super Computer as below:

    (i) Micro Computer

    Micro computers are the most widely used computers. They are also called portable computers, though they are the least powerful. Types of Micro computers are following:

    • Personal Computer (PC)
    • Laptop
    • Tablet
    • Handheld Computers
    • Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
    (ii) Mini Computer

    Mini computers are more powerful and costly than Micro computes. They were designed initially for CAD (Computer Aided Design) related works but now they are used as central computer. E.g. IBM-17, HP-9000 etc.

    (iii) Mainframe Computer

    Mainframe computers are larger, faster and cost higher than Mini computers. They have large internal memory, computing and storage. They also have comprehensive range of softwares. E.g. IBM S/390/, UNIVAC 110 etc.

    (iv) Super Computer

    Super computers are fastest and the most expensive type of computers. They have very high processing speed. Their speed measurement unit is FLOPS (Floating point operations per second). E.g. CRAY-1, PARAM etc.

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    Computer Classification on the basis of Work

    Computers are also classified on the basis of the work as (i) Analog Computer, (ii) Digital Computer and (iii) Hybrid Computer as mentioned below:

    (i) Analog Computer

    Analog computers are job oriented computers. They can perform several mathematical operations simultaneously. E.g. seismograph, speedometers etc.

    (ii) Digital Computer

    Digital computers work on the binary digits. They also perform mathematical calculations and produce desired results (graphics, sounds). E.g. Desktop (PC), Laptop etc.

    (iii) Hybrid Computer

    Hybrid computers are the combination of analog and digital computers. Several machines used in hospitals like DIALYSIS and ECG are the commonly used hybrid computers.

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    Computer Classification on the basis of Purpose

    On the basis of purpose, computers can be classified as (i) General Purpose Computer and (ii) Special Purpose Computer as below:

    (i) General Purpose Computer

    The main use of General Purpose computers are to solve various types of problems bu using various types of programs, applications, software etc. E.g. to make small database, calculations, accounting etc.

    (ii) Special Purpose Computer

    The use of Special purpose computers are to solve a single particular type of problems. E.g. Automatic Aircraft Landing etc.

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  • Basic Formulas of Area and Perimeter

    In most of the competitive examinations, questions have been asked from Area and Perimeter. Basic formulas for calculation of Area and Perimeter of 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional figures have been given in this post.

    Trianglea+b+c(bh)/2b= base
    h= altitude
    a,b,c= side of triangles
    Parallelogram2(a+b)aha= side
    b= side adjacent to a
    h= distance between the parallel sides
    Rectangle2(a+b)aba= length
    b= breadth
    a= side
    d= diagonal
    Rhombus4a(d1d2)/2 a= side
    d1 and d2= Diagonals
    Trapeziumsum of 4 sidesh(a+b)/2a,b= parallel sides
    h= distance between parallel sides
    Circle2πr πr2 r= radius of circle
    π= 22/7 or 3.1416
    Semicircleπr+2r(πr2)/2 r= radius of circle
    π= 22/7 or 3.1416

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    Check Complete List – Maths

  • Festivals, Traditional Art & Crafts of India – EVS

    India is well known as a country of cultural and traditional festivals as it has many cultures and religions. India is also well known for its Traditional Art and Crafts. Specific festivals, traditional crafts and art of specific region in India are given below:

    Festivals of specific region in India

    FestivalRegionTime of Celebration
    OnamKeralaAug – Sep
    Ganesh ChaturthiMaharashtraBhadrapad Shukl Chaturdashi
    Rath YatraOdishaAshadha Shukla Pakshadwitya
    BaishakhiPunjab 13-14 Apr
    Pongal, JallikattuTamil Nadu14 Jan
    Durga PujaWest Bengal6th Day of Aswin Shukla
    BihuAsomIn the month of Bohag Kaati and Magh
    ChhathBiharKartik Shukla Shasthi
    LosarSikkim and Arunachal PradeshFirst Lunar month
    Ugadi/Gudi PadwaAndhra Pradesh1st day of Chaitra month
    GangaurRajasthanChaitra Shukla

    Also Read Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning

    Traditional Crafts of India

    Traditional CraftsAreas/States
    Warli PaintingMaharashtra
    Chikan EmbroideryLucknow
    Brass HandicraftsMoradabad
    Jamdani TextileWest Bengal
    Patola EmbroideryGujarat
    Pashmina ShawlsJammu and Kashmir (Ladakh)
    Bandana WeaveRajasthan and Gujarat
    PochampallyAndhra Pradesh
    Wood CarvingSaharanpur
    Pithora PaintingMadhya Pradesh

    Traditional Art in India

    Traditional ArtRegion/State
    JamdaniWest bengal
    Pashmina and ShahtootJammu and Kashmir
    Bandana DesignRajasthan and Gujarat
    Muga SilkAsom
    PochampallyAndhra Pradesh
    Perfume IndustryKannauj
    ShawlKullu, Himachal Pradesh
    EmbroideryJammu and Kashmir

    Different Types of Painting in India

    1. Chitra Kathi Painting
    • This painting belongs to Maharashtra.
    • Story is depicted through this painting.
    • Only natural color is used in this painting.
    2. Kalamkari Painting
    • This painting belongs to Andhra Pradesh.
    • This painting is done on clothes.
    • Only natural color is used in this painting.
    3. Madhubani Painting
    • This painting belongs to Bihar.
    • Natural things like animals, birds, humans, flowers are depicted in this painting.
    • Only natural color is used in this painting.
    • A special kind of paste of grinded rice is used to glorify the painting.
    4. Pata Painting
    • This painting belongs to Odisha.
    • Natural color from minerals and vegetables are used in this painting.
    • This painting is done on clothes.
    5. Phad Painting
    • This painting belongs to Rajasthan.
    • This painting is done on clothes.

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  • विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के विभिन्न प्रकार के घर Different Type of Houses

    image source pexel

    मनुष्य के घरों का रूप समय एवं भौगोलिक स्थिति के अनुसार बदलता रहता है। इस पोस्ट में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के विभिन्न प्रकार के घर Different Type of Houses के बारे में बताया गया है ।

    विभिन्न प्रकार के घर

    मिट्टी के घर

    • मिट्टी के घर सामान्यत: गांवों में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • ऐसे घर उन जगहों पर भी पाये जाते हैं, जहां गर्मी ज्यादा होती है, जैसे राजस्थान
    • मिट्टी के घरों की दीवारें मोटी होती है जिससे गर्मी अंदर ना जा सके।
    • ऐसे घरों की छत झाड़ियों या छप्पर की बनी होती है ।
    • इन घरों की मिट्टी को मजबूत बनाने के लिए, मिट्टी में भूसा मिलाया जाता है ।
    • ऐसे घरों को मिट्टी से लीपा जाता है, जिससे मिट्टी टूटे नहीं ।
    • इन घरों के फर्श को गोबर से लीपा जाता है, ताकि कीड़े ना आयें ।

    लकड़ी / बाँस के घर

    • बाँस या लकड़ी के घर उन जगहों पर बनाए जाते हैं, जहां बारिश बहुत होती है ।
    • ये जमीन से दस-बारह फुट ऊँचे बाँस के मज़बत खंभों पर बनाए जाते हैं , ताकि बाढ़ आने पर घर को कोई नुकसान न हो ।

    Read Birds and their Specific Features – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    पत्थर के घर

    • ऐसे घर पहाड़ी इलाके में बनाए जाते हैं ।
    • ऐसी जगहों पर बारिश भी होती है और बर्फ भी पड़ती है ।
    • ऐसे घरों की छत ढलवा होती है, जिससे बारिश का पानी या बर्फ नीचे गिर जाये ।
    • कीड़ों से बचाने के लिए, इन घरों पर चूने की पुताई होती है ।
    • ये घर एक से दो मंजिल के होते हैं ।
    • ऐसे घर लद्दाख, जम्मू-कश्मीर, हिमाचल प्रदेश में पाये जाते हैं ।

    ईंट के मकान

    • ऐसे घर समतल क्षेत्रों (मैदीनी भागों) में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • ये घर एक मंजिली भी होते हैं और बहुमंजिली भी ।

    बर्फ के घर / इग्लू

    • बर्फ के घर, बर्फीले क्षेत्रों में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • इन घरों को इग्लू भी कहते हैं ।
    • ये घर बर्फ के ब्लोक्स को जोड़कर बनाए जाते हैं ।
    • ये गुंबद के आकार के होते हैं ।
    • इन घरों के दरवाजे छोटे होते हैं, ताकि बर्फीली हवाएँ अंदर ना आ सकें ।
    • ये घर एस्कीमो शिकारियों का अस्थायी घर होते हैं ।


    • यह लकड़ी का घर होता है, जो हमेशा पानी में रहता है ।
    • इन घरों पर खूबसूरत नक्काशी होती है ।
    • ये पर्यटकों के लिए होते हैं ।
    • हाउसबोट 80 फीट तक लंबे होते हैं ।
    • ये कश्मीर और केरल में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • कश्मीर के हाउसबोट की छतों पर लकड़ी की नक्काशी को खतमबंद कहते हैं ।


    • ये कश्मीर में पाये जाने वाले बिना नक्काशी के हाउसबोट होते हैं ।
    • ये स्थानीय लोगों द्वारा रहने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं ।
    • इनमें अलग अलग कमरे होते हैं ।


    • यह एक अस्थायी निवास है ।
    • यह अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में अलग अलग चीजों से बनता है ।
    • गरीब लोग शहरों में प्लास्टिक का टेंट लगाते हैं ।
    • कुछ जगहों पर कपड़ों के टेंट का भी उपयोग होता है ।
    • पर्वतारोहियों के टेंट दो लेयर वाली प्लास्टिक से बने होते हैं , ताकि ठंड ना लगे ।
    • लद्दाख के चांगपा जनजाति के लोग याक के बालों की पट्टियों से टेंट बनाते हैं । इन टेंटों को रेबो कहते हैं।

    हवेली / महल / किले

    • इन का निर्माण राजा महाराजा या अमीर लोग करवाया करते थे ।
    • ये बहुत बड़े होते हैं।
    • इनमें बहुत सारे कमरे होते हैं।
    • इनकी छतों , दीवारों, खंभों पर खूनसूरत नक्काशियाँ होती हैं।
    • इनमें पत्थरों और लकड़ियों का बहुत उपयोग होता है ।

    आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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  • Birds and their Specific Features – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    image source pexels.com

    Dear readers, in this post Birds and their specific features for environmental studies are given. Birds have feathers, toothless beaked jaws, a four-chambered heart. They breathe through lungs like reptiles, fishes and amphibian. Their boat shaped body, hollow bones wings, feathers help them in flying. They have high metabolic rate and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. They also possess invisible hair and reproduces by Oviparous method (laying of eggs). Examples are parrot, sparrow, pigeon, eagle etc.

    Birds sits on the branches of trees. It’s claws are made so that it helps in grasping the branches of trees.

    Birds have fixed eye position, they rotate their neck in order to see in different direction. Among all the birds Owls can rotate their neck nearly upto 360 degree but myna can move its neck back and front with jerk.

    Birds can see at different direction at a time as they have eyes on the left and right side of the face.

    Also read – Animals and their special characteristics – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    Specific Features of some Birds

    • Some special birds like kites, vulture, eagles can see things four time more than humans.
    • Owl, raccoon birds can see only black and white colors.
    • The Ostrich is the largest bird in the world. It also lays the largest eggs and has the faster maximum running speed of nearly 97 kph.
    • The chicken is the most common species of bird found in the world.
    • The Bee Humming bird is the smallest living bird in the world,with a length of just 5 cm.
    • The humming birds can fly backwards.
    BirdsSpecial Characteristics
    Owl, MynaNeck Rotation
    Eagle, Kite, VultureSharp eyesight
    PeacockOmnivorous bird
    Penguin and EmuWithout flight birds

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    CrowOn highest tree
    BulbulsIn bushes
    RobinSoft grasses, fibers, yarn, cotton etc
    Koel (Cuckoo)Lays its egg in the nest of crow
    Baya weaver (Soan chidiya)Make hanging nest
    Weaver birdWeave the nest
    WoodpeckerMake their nest in the bark of tree

    Special Characteristics of Peacock

    image source pexels.com
    • The peacock is the National bird of India.
    • Peacock posses unique anatomy which makes them beautiful birds.
    • Peacocks are omnivorous birds, and they mainly eat plants, fruits, seeds, flower petals, ants,insect, and other scraps in the gardens and forests.
    • Grains are the most common food of peacocks.
    • Peacock also eat small reptiles, such as young cobra snakes, amphibians, butterflies, chicken, flies and mice vole.

    Brood Parasite

    These are organisms that rely on the others  to raise their Chick . Brood parasitism is a habit of a bird, which does not make its own nest, lays eggs in other bird’s nest secretly and relies on the host bird to raise the chick.  Koel is a brood parasite over crow for development and hatching of its eggs.

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