Category: Competitive Exam Preparation

  • Math Pedagogy MCQ Exercise Set-1 for CTET & TET

    Math Pedagogy MCQ Exercise

    In this following section of Math Pedagogy MCQ Exercise for CTET & TETs, 30 questions (MCQ) with 4 choices are given. Choose the right answer for each question. Answer of these important Math Pedagogy questions are available in the last of this post. Check how many of your answers are correct.

    Maths Pedagogy MCQ Exercise

    1- If a learner is having problem with numbers and calculations she/he maybe having disability known as
    a) dysgraphia
    b) dyscalculia
    c) visual-spatial organisation disability
    d) dyslexia

    2- Mohan, a student of class IV, is able to answer all questions related to Number System orally but commits mistakes while writing the solutions of problems based on Number System. The best remedial strategy to remove errors in his writing is
    a) to give him 10 practice tests
    b) to relate real life experiences with mathematical concepts
    c) to provide him a worksheet with partially solved problems to complete the missing gaps
    d) to teach more than one way of solving problems of Number System

    3- A teacher introduced multiplication in her class as repeated addition and then by grouping of same number of objects taken multiple times she introduced the ‘x’ symbol and further conducted a small activity of finding product using criss-cross lines or matchsticks. Here, the teacher is
    a) providing remedial strategies for low achievers in Mathematics
    b) using multiple representations to make the class interesting
    c) developing a lesson and taking students from concrete to abstract concept
    d) catering to learners with different learning styles

    4- A teacher asks Rashmi of class V about the perimeter of a figure.
    She also asked Rashmi to explain the solution in her words. Rashmi was able to solve the problem correctly but was not able to explain it. This reflects that Rashmi is having?

    a) poor confidence level and poor mathematical skills
    b) poor understanding of concept of perimeter but good verbal ability
    c) lower language proficiency and lower order mathematical proficiency
    d) lower language proficiency and higher order mathematical proficiency

    5- Which of the following is not the objective of a diagnostic test in Mathematics?
    a) To find out the weakness or deficiency of a child in learning
    b) To fill progress report of children
    c) To give feedback to the parents
    d) None of the above

    Read – Parts of Speech

    6- When teaching addition of fractions, a teacher came across the following error?
    1/2 + 1/3 = 2/5 what remedial action can the teacher take in such situation?

    a) Help the child to understand the concept of LCM
    b) Ask the child to practice as much as she can
    c) No intervention is needed because she will understand as she grows
    d) Help the child to understand the magnitude of each fraction

    7- In an elementary class, a student commits mistake in multiplication of numbers in the way as 4×1=5, 5×1=6 etc. What type of remedial teaching programme should be planned?
    a) Use visual presentation in shapes
    b) More and more practice
    c) Estimation
    d) All of the above

    8- To introduce the concept of fractions, a teacher can begin with
    a) writing fractions in the form of a/b where b is not equal to 0
    b) identifying fractional parts of things around them
    c) identifying numerators and denominators of different fractions
    d) finding fractions on a number line

    9- When faced with word problems, Raghu usually asks “Should I add or subtract?”, “Should I multiply or divide?” Such questions suggest
    a) Raghu lacks understanding of number operations
    b) Raghu can not add and multiply
    c) Raghu seeks opportunities to disturb the class
    d) Raghu has problems in comprehending language

    10- The purpose of diagnostic test in Mathematics is
    a) to fill the progress report
    b) to plan the question paper for the end-term examination
    c) to know the gaps in children’s understanding
    d) to give feedback to the parents

    EVS MCQ Exercise Practice Set-1 for CTET & TETs

    11- In a class, a teacher asked the students to define a quadrilateral in different ways – using sides, using angles, using diagonals etc. The teacher’s objective is to
    a) help the students to explore various definitions
    b) help the students to understand quadrilateral from different perspective
    c) help the students to memorize all definitions by heart
    d) help the students to solve all problems of quadrilateral based on definitions

    12- Which of the following teaching-learning resources would be the most appropriate to teach the concept of addition of two decimal numbers?
    a) Geo board
    b) Beads and string
    c) Graph paper
    d) Abacus

    13- A given rectangle and a parallelogram have the same area. However, many class IV student respond that the parallelogram has the larger area. How can a teacher help the students to understand that their area are the same?
    a) Using paper folding
    b) Using scale
    c) Using a geo board
    d) Using a graph paper

    14- Manipulative tools are important for learners at primary level as they help them most to
    a) speedup oral and mental calculations
    b) perform better in examinations
    c) understand basic mathematical concepts
    d) solve word problems

    15- Which one of the following manipulative tools is required to develop geometrical concepts of ‘symmetry’ and’ reflection’ in class IV?
    a) Beads string
    b) Dot paper
    c) Abacus
    d) Two sided counter

    Read – Math Pedagogy Questions – MCQ Exercise Set-2 for TET

    16- Some students of class II, faced difficulty in the addition of two-digit numbers involving ‘carry over’. Reason behind this problem is lack of
    a) interest in Mathematics
    b) understanding of difference between place value and face value
    c) understanding the importance of zero
    d) understanding of regrouping process

    17- ‘Vedic Mathematics’ is becoming popular now-a-days especially among primary school children and is used to enhance
    a) the algorithmic understanding of students in Mathematics
    b) the problem solving skills of students in Mathematics
    c) the concentration of students in Mathematics
    d) the calculation skill and speed in Mathematics

    18- At primary level use of tangram, dot games, patterns etc., helps the students to
    a) understand basic operations
    b) enhance spatial understanding ability
    c) develop sense of comparing numbers
    d) strengthen calculation skills

    19- Geo-board is an effective tool to teach
    a) basic geometrical concepts like rays, lines and angles
    b) geometrical shapes and their properties
    c) difference between 2D and 3D shapes
    d) concept of symmetry

    20- A student was asked to read the following numbers 306, 408, 4008, 4010. He reads as follows:
    Thirty six, forty eight, four hundred eight, forty ten. The reason for error in reading is that

    a) the student does not like Maths class and finds the class boring
    b) the student has understood the concept of place value but does not know how to use it
    c) the student is not fit for study of Maths
    d) the student is not able to understand the concept of place value and feels comfortable using two digit numbers only

    Famous Major Newspapers of the World

    21- The most appropriate tool to expose the students of Class II to plane figures, its vertices and edges is
    a) blackboard surface
    b) geo board
    c) nets of 3D solids
    d) cubes

    22- A child displays difficulty in differentiating between numbers, operations and symbols, two clock hands, different cins etc. This implies that the specific barrier affecting his learning is
    a) poor motor skills, reading and writing skills
    b) poor verbal, visual, auditory and working memory
    c) poor visual processing ability i.e. visual discrimination, spatial organisation and visual coordination
    d) poor language processing ability i.e. expression, vocabulary ad auditory processing

    23- Use of Abacus in Class-II does not help the students to
    a) understand the significance of place value
    b) read the numbers without error
    c) write the numeral equivalent of numbers given in words
    d) attain perfection in counting

    24- The concept of areas of plane figures can be introduced to the students of Class-V by
    a) measuring the area of any figure with the help of different objects like palm, leaf, pencil, etc.
    b) calculating the area of a rectangle by finding length and breadth of a rectangle and using the formula for area of a rectangle
    c) stating the formula for area of rectangle and square
    d) calculating the area of figures with the help of counting unit squares

    25- “Problem solving” as a strategy of doing Mathematics involves
    a) activity based approach
    b) estimation
    c) extensive practice
    d) using clues to arrive at a solution

    26- Which of the following can not be considered as a reason for fear and failure in Mathematics?
    a) Classroom experiences
    b) Symbolic notations
    c) Structure of Mathematics
    d) Gender difference

    27- Which of the following problems from the textbook of Class IV refers to “multidisciplinary problem”
    a) Draw the flag of India and identify the number of lines of symmetry in the flag
    b) Draw the mirror image of a given figure
    c) How many lines of symmetry are there in a given figure?
    d) To draw a line of symmetry in a given geometrical figure

    28- Possible indicator pertaining to visual memory barrier hampering with learner’s Mathematical performance is
    a) difficulty in retaining mathematical facts and difficulty in telling time
    b) difficulty in using a number line
    c) difficulty to count on within a sequence
    d) difficulty in handling small manipulations

    29- A child of Class III reads 482 as four hundred eighty two but swites it as 40082. What does this indicate for a teacher?
    a) Child is not attentive in the class is a careless listener
    b) Child is a careful listener but has not established sense of place value
    c) Child is confusing the expression of number in expanded form and in short form
    d) Teacher should teach the concept of place value when the children are able to write numbers correctly

    30- Which of the skills do you consider most essential for a teacher?
    a) Encourage children to search for knowledge
    b) Have all the information for the children
    c) Ability to make children memorize materials
    d) Enable children to do well in tests

    Biology Questions for Competitive Exams

    Read – Math Pedagogy Questions – MCQ Exercise Set-2 for TET

    Answers of above Maths Pedagogy Practice Exercise for CTET & other TET

    1(b), 2(c), 3(c), 4(d), 5(d), 6(a), 7(b), 8(b), 9(a), 10(c), 11(b), 12(a), 13(d), 14(c), 15(b), 16(d), 17(d), 18(b), 19(b), 20(d), 21(b), 22(c), 23(c), 24(a), 25(a), 26(d), 27(a), 28(a), 29(b), 30(a)

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  • 30 Important Words Meaning in English (Letter ‘A’)

    To increase vocabulary is very important not only for any competitive exams but our day-to-day working as well. In this post 30 Important Words Meaning starting from Letter ‘A’ are given to boost your vocabulary.

    Important Words Meaning – Letter ‘A’

    1. abate – subside, moderate, कम करना

    2. abbreviate – shorten, छोटा करना

    3. abolish – put an end to, समाप्त करना

    4. absolute – complete, पूरा

    5. accelerate – move faster, तेज करना

    6. accrue – addition, जोड़ना

    7. acknowledge – recognize, admit, स्वीकार करना

    8. acumen – eagerness, उत्सुकता

    9. adapt – alter, बदलना

    10. addendum – addition, जोड़

    Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    11. adjacent – adjoining, बराबर से, साथ

    12. adulterate – make impure by adding inferior substances, मिलावट करना

    13. adverse – unfavorable, बुरा

    14. aesthetic – artistic, कलात्मक

    15. aggregate – accumulate, इकट्ठा

    16. alleviate – relieve, कम होना

    17. amalgamate – combine, जोड़ना

    18. ambiguous – unclear, अस्पष्ट

    19. analogous – comparable, तुलना के योग्य

    20. anchor – fasten firmly, ज़ोर से बांधना

    Important Synonyms for CTET UPTET and other exams

    21. apprise – inform, सूचित करना

    22. arduous – hard, मुश्किल

    23. arrogance – pride, haughtiness, गर्व

    24. aspire – long for, seek to attain, इच्छा करना

    25. assent – agree, accept, स्वीकार करना

    26. assert – state strongly, बात रखना

    27. assiduous – diligent, परिश्रमी

    28. autonomous – self-governing , स्वायत्य प्राप्त

    29. auxiliary – offering, सहायक

    30. avid – greedy, eager for, लालची

    UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language

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    Check Complete List – English

  • EVS MCQ Exercise Practice Set-1 for CTET & TETs

    EVS MCQ Exercise Practice Set

    In this following section of EVS MCQ Exercise for CTET & TETs, 30 questions (MCQ) with 4 choices from Environmental Studies (EVS) are given. Choose the right answer for each question. Answer of these questions are available in the last of this post. Check how many of your answers are correct.

    EVS MCQ Exercise

    1- ‘Global Warming’ means
    a) Increase in temperature of the Earth due to green house gases
    b) high and low tide in the sea
    c) emission of gases in atmosphere from dense forest
    d) increase in temperature of Earth due to wind energy

    2- Which of the following is largest ecosystem in the Earth?
    a) Desert
    b) Ocean
    c) Forest
    d) Agricultural land

    3- There are three R’s to save our environment which are
    a) reduce, recycle and reform
    b) reuse, restructure and reform
    c) reduce, recycle and reuse
    d) reduce, recycle and restructure

    4- Which of the following Sun’s rays is stopped by ozone layer?
    a) Infrared rays
    b) X-rays
    c) Ultraviolet rays
    d) None of these

    5- Acid rain is chiefly due to atmospheric pollution by
    a) SO2
    b) H2S
    c) HCl
    d) N2

    Famous Major Newspapers of the World

    6- Which two gases make upto 99% of the atmosphere?
    a) Ozone and oxygen
    b) Oxygen and nitrogen
    c) Carbondioxide and ozone
    d) Argon and ozone

    7- Ozone layer is found in Earth’s atmospheric layer:
    a) Troposphere
    b) Mesosphere
    c) Stratosphere
    d) Ionosphere

    8- The abbreviation EVS stands for
    a) Environmental Skills
    b) Environmental Science
    c) Environmental Source
    d) Environmental Studies

    9- The lowest layer of atmosphere is known as
    a) troposphere
    b) stratosphere
    c) ionosphere
    d) oxonosphere

    10- Acid rain is caused due to increase in concentration of
    a) SO2 and NO2
    b) CO and N2
    c) CO2 and N2
    d) dust and O3

    Sports – General Awareness

    11- Who is responsible for the formation of humus?
    a) Producer
    b) Decomposer
    c) Consumer
    d) All of these

    12- How much percentage of the Earth’s surface is covered with water?
    a) 60%
    b) 71%
    c) 77%
    d) 80%

    13- The main objective of NCTE is
    a) to open school
    b) to maintain education level in schools
    c) to encourage research in education
    d) give grants to schools

    14- ‘Van Mahotsav Diwas’ is celebrated in the country on
    a) 2nd October
    b) 1st July
    c) 10th August
    d) 1st December

    15- When was Project Tiger launched?
    a) 2011
    b) 1970
    c) 1973
    d) 2007

    Square Trick for Number ending with 5

    16- Which book has been prepared by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) concerning endangered species of plants and animals?
    a) White Data Book
    b) Red Data Book
    c) Blue Data Book
    d) None of the above

    17- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was formally established in USA in the year:
    a) 1967
    b) 1969
    c) 1971
    d) 1973

    18- The first ‘World Environment Day’ was held in
    a) 1972
    b) 1974
    c) 1984
    d) 1992

    19- Rio Earth Summit was held in which year?
    a) 1972
    b) 1977
    c) 1992
    d) 1998

    20- When was the celebration of the ‘World Environment Day’ began to rotate around the globe?
    a) 1977
    b) 1982
    c) 1988
    d) 1972

    Important Questions on Noun for CTET and TET

    21- What was the theme of the first ‘World Environment Day’?
    a) When people put the Environment First, Development will last
    b) A Tree for Peace
    c) Only One Earth
    d) Only One Future for Our Children

    22- ‘World Environment Day’ is celebrated on
    a) 5th November
    b) 5th January
    c) 5th June
    d) 5th September

    23- Heuristic method is propounded by which educationist?
    a) Herbert Spencer
    b) Armstrong
    c) Dewey
    d) Freud

    24- Which method is based on Heuristic method?
    a) Analysis
    b) Problem-solving
    c) Investigation
    d) All of these

    25- Micro-teaching helps to develop which of the following teaching skills?
    a) Team teaching
    b) Lecturing skill
    c) Questioning skill
    d) Both (b) and (c)

    Previous Year Questions on Learning Disabilities for TET

    26- The total number of members of Parliament from Rajasthan is
    a) 20
    b) 25
    c) 22
    d) 24

    27- Who presides over the meetings of the Rajya Sabha?
    a) Vice-President
    b) President
    c) Prime Minister
    d) Chief Justice of India

    28- How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President
    a) 12
    b) 18
    c) 20
    d) 22

    29- How many Lok Sabha seats are there in India?
    a) 543
    b) 545
    c) 550
    d) 555

    30- How many Rajya Sabha seats are there in India?
    a) 245
    b) 250
    c) 275
    d) 230

    Also read – Noun

    Answers of above EVS MCQ Exercise for CTET & TETs

    1(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(c), 5(a), 6(b), 7(c), 8(d), 9(a), 10(a), 11(b), 12(b), 13(c), 14(b), 15(c), 16(b), 17(b), 18(b), 19(c), 20(c), 21(c), 22(c), 23(b), 24(b), 25(d), 26(b), 27(a), 28(a), 29(a), 30(a)

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  • Types of Numbers – Natural, Whole, Prime Number etc.

    Number Types Prime Number, Natural Number, Whole Number etc

    Question on Types of Numbers is generally asked in most of the competitive exams like SSC CGL, CTET, TET etc. In this post you will learn Number Types like Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Prime Number, Composite Number etc.

    Number Types

    Natural Numbers

    Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,……. which are used to count the objects are called natural numbers.

    Note: Zero (0) is not a natural number.

    Whole Numbers

    All natural numbers (1,2,3,4….) together with zero (0) are called whole numbers.


    All natural numbers (1,2,3,4,…..) together with their negatives (-1,-2,-3,…) and with zero (0) are called integers.

    1,2,3,4,5… are called positive integers and -1,-2,-3…. are called negative integers.

    Note: Zero (0) is neither positive nor negative integer.

    30 Important EVS Questions for TET in Hindi

    Prime Numbers

    A number greater than one (1) which can not be divided by any number except one (1) and itself is call a prime number.

    e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 etc.

    Composite Numbers

    Numbers greater than one (1) which are not prime numbers are called composite numbers.

    e.g. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 etc.

    Even Numbers

    The numbers which are divisible by 2 are called even numbers.

    e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc.

    Note: 2 is the only prime number which is even number also.

    Odd Numbers

    The numbers which are not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers.

    e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 etc.

    Rational Numbers

    A rational number can be represented in form of “p/q”, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero (0).

    e.g. 2,3, 1/2, 2/3, 5 etc.

    Note: All integers and fractions are rational numbers.

    Famous National Parks of India and their Rare Species

    Irrational Numbers

    An irrational number can not be represented in the form of “p/q”, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero (0).

    e.g. √2, √3 which always give an approximate value instead of absolute fraction or decimal number.

    Successor Numbers

    For any natural number the immediate next natural number is called successor number. In any natural number if we add one (1), we will get successor number of that number.

    e.g. Two (2) is the successor number of one (1). Five (5) is the successor number of four (4).

    Predecessor Numbers

    For any natural number the immediate last natural number is called predecessor number. For any natural number if we subtract one (1), we will get predecessor number of that number.

    e.g. Two (2) is the predecessor number of three (3). Five (5) is the predecessor number of six (6).

    Decimal Numbers

    A number containing a decimal point (.) is called a decimal number.

    e.g. 1.2, 2.3, 1.1 etc.

    Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation

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    Check Complete List – Maths

    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

  • English Pedagogy MCQ Exercise Set-1 for CTET & TET

    In the following section of English Pedagogy MCQ Exercise for CTET & TETs, 30 questions (MCQ) with 4 choices are given. Choose the right answer for each question. Answer of these important English Pedagogy questions are available in the last of this post. Check how many of your answers are correct.

    English Pedagogy MCQ Exercise

    1- The term ‘comprehensive’ in continuous and comprehensive evaluation means
    a) co-scholastic development
    b) academic skills
    c) scholastic and co-scholastic development
    d) scholastic development

    2- ‘Concrete Operational Stage’ refers to those learners who are
    a) at middle level
    b) toddlers
    c) adults
    d) adolescents

    3- Formative assessment is assessment
    a) at learning
    b) in learning
    c) for learning
    d) of learning

    4- The most effective tool to assess values and attitude of learners is
    a) anecdotal record
    b) portfolio
    c) unit test
    d) summative test

    5- Criteria of assessment is/are
    a) guidelines with marking scheme
    b) question-wise distribution of marks
    c) general impression of student ability
    d) scoring key

    Read – Parts of Speech

    6- The main purpose of assessment is
    a) to measure achievement of learners
    b) to give practice in writing
    c) to improve the teaching learning process
    d) to decide pass and fail

    7- For students to gain language skills from textbooks, the textbook learning should
    a) correlate with assessment and achievement
    b) lead to using the textbook sparingly
    c) expose them to more literary reading
    d) become more cost-effective compared to technologically supported course

    8- While ‘evaluating students’ responses for a reading comprehension, marks may be deducted for …………….. errors.
    a) grammatical
    b) syntactical
    c) content
    d) spelling

    9- Language teachers have to do a ‘needs analysis’ of their students to
    a) to measure their learning ability
    b) find out students’ interest in the choice of language
    c) compare the achievement levels among the students
    d) evaluate their existing competence

    10- The most important purpose of formative assessment is
    a) to judge the performance of teachers and schools
    b) to form an opinion about the best student in the class
    c) to score and rank students on the basis of their performance
    d) to provide qualitative feedback on students learning

    10 Important Questions on Motivation for CTET and other TET Exams

    11- Which of the following is a technique of assessment?
    a) Interview
    b) Checklist
    c) Rating scale
    d) Rubrics

    12- Which of the following is the highest level of cognitive ability?
    a) Knowing
    b) Understanding
    c) Evaluating
    d) Analysing

    13- When learners give feedback on each other’s language, work, learning strategies, performance etc. is called?
    a) formal assessment
    b) group assessment
    c) self assessment
    d) peer assessment

    14- A teacher after completing a chapter asks the students some questions to review their learning and check their understanding. The question she is asking will be based on
    a) lower-order thinking skills
    b) hyper-order thinking skills
    c) higher-order thinking skills
    d) middle-order thinking skills

    15- The use of dictionary does not help learners to
    a) find out how to say a word
    b) be proficient in oral communication
    c) find the meaning of words
    d) check the part of speech of a word

    16- Which of the following is not a study skill?
    a) Getting information from an encyclopedia
    b) Writing formal reports
    c) Note taking
    d) Using a dictionary

    17- Group project work helps in developing
    a) a high level of ambition to achieve
    b) collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving
    c) competition among learners to excel in academics
    d) good memory in the young learners

    18- According to the recommendations of NCF 2005, technology could be integrated
    a) with the larger goals and processes of educational programmes
    b) with revisions to meet current developmental policies of the Central Government
    c) as an add-on to the main educational goals
    d) used only judiciously subject to the economic and social goals of a community

    19- In Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), the ‘simulation mode’ is where learners
    a) get problems which are solved by a process for trail and error
    b) experience real life systems and phenomena
    c) receive bits of information followed by questions with immediate feedback
    d) a series of exercises with repetition practice

    20- Teaching Learning Material (TLM) should be used by teacher as it
    a) is not very expensive
    b) motivates learners to further prepare such material at home
    c) supplements teaching-learning process
    d) prepares students mentally to sit in the class

    10 Medical Specialist Titles You Must Know

    21- A good language textbook should include
    a) interesting stories
    b) attractive fonts, illustrations and learner-friendly pictures
    c) extracts from British and American literature
    d) more grammar exercises

    22- A good Teaching Learning Material (TLM) can best
    a) be a source of entertainment
    b) help the teacher to transact material without any modification
    c) help the learners’ acquire a language
    d) facilitate the teaching-learning processing

    23- Remedial teaching as part of formative assessment means
    a) diagnosing and addressing gaps in learning
    b) teaching beyond the textbooks
    c) extra coaching by the parents
    d) teaching for gifted students

    24- Which of the following is a value associated with an inclusive classroom?
    a) Competition
    b) Envy
    c) Sympathy
    d) Collaboration

    25- Remedial teaching refers to teaching
    a) to help bright learners to excel
    b) to test learners periodically
    c) to address gaps in learning
    d) after the regular school hours

    26- Teachers can remediate for the student with language learning difficulty?
    a) focusing on individual progress with individualized instruction
    b) providing notes that are summarized and simplified
    c) initially giving information as reading only, no writing
    d) conduct extra classes for the student to ‘catch up’ with others

    27- Role play should be an integral part of every language classroom because
    a) It enables girls and boys to interact freely
    b) It is an effective classroom management technique
    c) It enables students to engage in meaning talk
    d) It enables to students to memorise the story

    28- Giving effective feedback to the learners means
    a) diagnosing problems and guiding the learners how to improve
    b) correcting their mistakes in the class
    c) giving appropriate time and space for corrections
    d) focus on positive aspects as well as areas of development

    29- A purposeful collection of student’s work that demonstrates their efforts, progress and achievement in a given area is called a/an
    a) anecdotal record
    b) portfolio
    c) checklist
    d) rating scale

    30- A diagnostic test in English will help the language teacher to identify
    a) intelligent learners in her class
    b) slow learners in her class
    c) learning difficulties the learner faces in English
    d) the topic which the learner has not learnt by heart

    भारत में नदियों के किनारे बसे शहर/ Nadiyon ke Kinare base Sahar

    Answers of above English Pedagogy MCQ Exercise for CTET & TET

    1(b), 2(c), 3(c), 4(d), 5(d), 6(a), 7(b), 8(b), 9(a), 10(c), 11(b), 12(a), 13(d), 14(c), 15(b), 16(d), 17(d), 18(b), 19(b), 20(d), 21(b), 22(c), 23(c), 24(a), 25(a), 26(d), 27(a), 28(a), 29(b), 30(a)

    You may use ‘comment section’ below for your valuable comments/feedback.

    Check Complete List – English

    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

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