Category: Competitive Exam Preparation

  • UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language

    Previous Years Questions

    Dear readers, in this post UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language are given. These questions are from UPTET 2016. Practice of these questions will help in understanding the pattern of Hindi language paper of UPTET and other TET exams. These UPTET previous years questions on Hindi Language are important questions for UPTET as well as other TET and CTET.

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    UPTET Previous Years Questions on Hindi Language

    1- भाषा – शिक्षण की पद्धति नहीं है
    a) किंडरगार्टन
    b) मोंटेसरी
    c) डेक्राली
    d) अभिक्रमित अनुदेशन

    2- “बालक की प्राथमिक शिक्षा उसकी मात्रभाषा में दी जाये” यह मानना है
    a) मोंटेसरी का
    b) महात्मा गांधी का
    c) फ़्रोबेल का
    d) क्लिपेट्रिक का

    3- व्याकरण – शिक्षण के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है
    a) आगमन प्रणाली
    b) निगमन प्रणाली
    c) अव्याक्र्ति प्रणाली
    d) कक्षाभिनय प्रणाली

    4- “आनन्द कादम्बिनी” पत्रिका का प्रकाशन कहाँ से होता है
    a) बनारस
    b) मिर्जापुर
    c) इलाहाबाद
    d) लखनऊ

    5- आदिकाल की रचना है
    a) अखरावट
    b) छ्त्रसाल दसक
    c) दीपशिखा
    d) खुमान रासो

    Also read – Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation

    6- हिन्दी गद्य-शिक्षण की पाठ-योजना में उद्येश्य-कथन आता है
    a) पूर्वज्ञान के पश्चात
    b) प्रस्तावना प्रश्न के पश्चात
    c) आदर्श वाचन के पश्चात
    d) मौन वाचन के पहले

    7- शब्द का अर्थ स्पष्ट करने हेतु कौन सा तरीका सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त है
    a) वाक्यप्रयोग
    b) व्याख्यान
    c) भ्रमण
    d) चित्र – निर्माण

    8- राष्ट्र्वादी कवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर को ‘उर्वशी’ के लिए ‘ज्ञानपीठ-पुरस्कार’ किस वर्ष प्रदान किया गया
    a) 1971 में
    b) 1972 में
    c) 1973 में
    d) 1974 में

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    9- ‘निरामिष’ किसे कहते हैं
    a) मांस रहित भोजन
    b) मोक्ष का इच्छुक
    c) रात्रि में विचरण करने वाला
    d) मृत्यु का इच्छुक

    10- ‘शहद’ शब्द है
    a) तत्सम
    b) तदभव
    c) देशज
    d) आगत

    Also read – Motivation and Type of Motivation for CTET and TET

    11- ‘वनिता’ का प्रयोग किस अर्थ में होता है
    a) जंगल
    b) स्त्री
    c) पुस्तक
    d) व्यवसायी

    12- ‘मुकुंद’ किसका पर्याय है
    a) विष्णु
    b) शिव
    c) सूर्य
    d) कामदेव

    13- ” काहे री नलिनी तू कुम्हलानी तेरे ही नाली सरोवर पानी ” पंक्ति के रचनाकार कौन हैं
    a) जायसी
    b) रैदास
    c) कबीर
    d) दादू

    14- आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल का निबंध संग्रह है
    a) माटी का फूल
    b) चिंतामणि
    c) क्षण बोले कण मुसकाए
    d) आलोक पर्व

    15- ‘ अर्ध-स्वर ‘ हैं
    a) य, व
    b) इ, उ
    c) ऋ, ल्र
    d) ऋ, ष

    Also read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development

    16- ” चोर की दाढ़ी में तिनका ” मुहावरे का सही अर्थ है
    a) अपराधी का अपनी दाढ़ी खुजलाना
    b) अपराधी का शंका ग्रस्त रहना
    c) अपराधी की पहचान हो जाना
    d) अपराधी का अपनी पहचान छुपाना

    17- ” एक बार कही बात को दुहराते रहना ” वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द है
    a) आगार
    b) प्राक्कथन
    c) पिष्टपेषण
    d) प्रस्तावना

    18- ‘ बुद्धिहीन ‘ शब्द व्याकरण की द्रष्टि किस संवर्ग में है
    a) संज्ञा
    b) सर्वनाम
    c) विशेषण
    d) क्रिया

    19- छत से ईंट गिरी वाक्य में कौन सा कारक है
    a) अपादान
    b) संबंध
    c) अधिकरण
    d) सम्प्र्दान

    20- महोर्मि का संधि – विच्छेद है
    a) महत – उर्मि
    b) महत – उर्मि
    c) महा – ऊर्मि
    d) महत – मर्मि

    Also read – CTET Syllabus 2019 for Paper II – Elementary Stage

    21- समष्टि का विपरार्थी शब्द है
    a) विशिष्ट
    b) अशिष्ट
    c) अपुष्टि
    d) व्यष्टि

    22- कर्पट का तदभव रूप है
    a) कपट
    b) कारपेट
    c) कपूर
    d) कपड़ा

    23- रमणीय में कौन सा प्रत्यय है
    a) अनीय
    b) ईय
    c) रम
    d) णीय

    24- ” श्री गुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मन मुकुर सुधार । बरनौ रघुवर विमल जस, जो दायक फल चार ” में छ्ंद है
    a) दोहा
    b) सोरठा
    c) रोला
    d) बरवै

    25- वाक्य शुद्ध है
    a) मोहन और गीता गा रही है ।
    b) मोहन और गीता गा रहा है ।
    c) मोहन और गीता गा रहे हैं ।
    d) मोहन और गीता गा रही हैं ।

    Also read – Principles of Growth and Development for CTET and TET

    26- इन शब्दों में से कौन सा शब्द हिन्दी शब्दकोश में सबसे अंत में आएगा
    a) क्लीव
    b) क्रम
    c) क्रषक
    d) क्र्षानु

    27- चराचरम (जगत) में कौन सा समास है
    a) तत्पुरुष
    b) द्वंद
    c) बहुब्रीहि
    d) कर्मधारय

    28- अभ्यागत में कौन सा उपसर्ग है
    a) अ
    b) अभ्य
    c) अभि
    d) अभ्या

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    Answers of above UPTET Previous Years Questions on Hindi Language

    1(d), 2(b), 3(d), 4(b), 5(d), 6(b), 7(a), 8(b), 9(a), 10(d), 11(b), 12(a), 13(c), 14(b), 15(a), 16(b), 17(c), 18(c), 19(a), 20(c), 21(d), 22(c), 23(b), 24(a), 25(c), 26(a), 27(d), 28(a)

    आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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  • CTET Previous Years Questions on Environmental Studies with Answer

    Previous Years Questions

    Hello readers, following are the CTET Previous Years Questions on Environmental Studies with Answer. These CTET previous years questions on EVS are important questions for CTET, UPTET and other TET exams. Answers of these questions are given in the last of the post.

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    CTET Previous Years Question on Environmental Studies (EVS)

    1- In the villages of Bihar many farmers do bee-keeping and collect honey to earn extra, money. The best time to start bee-keeping is
    a) July to September
    b) October to December
    c) January to March
    d) April to June

    2- The animals that are awake at night can see objects
    a) In red colour only
    b) In all colours
    c) Only in Black and White colour
    d) In green colour only

    3- The bird move their neck very often because
    a) Their ears are covered with feathers
    b) They can fly
    c) The birds eyes are fixed
    d) The birds have small eyes

    4- A bird makes its nest high up on a tree.This bird could be
    a) Sunbird
    b) Indian Robin
    c) Crow
    d) Dove

    5- Which one of the following birds can rotate its neck backwards to a large extent?
    a) Owl
    b) Mynah
    c) Crow
    d) Koel

    Also read – भारत में नदियों के किनारे बसे शहर/ Nadiyon ke Kinare base Sahar

    6- Which of the following statements is correct about elephants?
    a) Elephants like to take too much rest because of their heavy bodies
    b) A three months old baby elephant generally weights about 2 quintals
    c) An adult elephant can eat even more than 2 quintals of leaves and twigs in one day
    d) Elephant sleep for 8 to 10 hrs in a day

    7- Some birds can see four times as far as we can see. These birds are
    a) Crow, kites, nightingales
    b) Eagles, pigeons, parrot
    c) Kites, eagles, vultures
    d) Doves, crows, peacocks

    8- Which one of the following insect does not live together in a colony like honeybees?
    a) Ant
    b) Wasp
    c) Termite
    d) Spider

    9- Which one of the following animals front teeth keep on growing throughout its life? It has to keep gnawing on things to keep its teeth from becoming too long.
    a) Termite
    b) Lizard
    c) Squirrel
    d) Rat

    10- An egret sits on buffalo, because
    a) The egret and the buffalo have symbiotic relationship
    b) The egret sits on the buffalo for fun
    c) The buffalo helps in the transportation of the egret from one place to another
    d) The egret wants to scare the buffalo.

    Also read – 10 Important Questions on Motivation for CTET and other TET Exams

    11- Cooked rice can be preserved for longer time in a refrigerator because
    a) Moisture content in the food is reduced at low temperature
    b) Refrigerators contain certain chemicals which kill the microbes
    c) Microbes are destroyed and killed at low temperature
    d) Microbes become inactive at low temperature

    12- Which one of the following matches is not a correct way of food preservation?
    a) Potato-chips
    b) Milk-paneer
    c) Apple-jam
    d) Raw mango-pickle

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    13- Glass jars and bottle are dried well in the sun before filling them with pickles. Why is it so?
    a) To make pickle tasty
    b) To remove the dust from them
    c) To remove the moisture completely
    d) To increase their temperature

    14- Mira loves mangoes. She wants to preserve these for winters. Which one of the following is a good way of preserving them?
    a) Store in a refrigerator
    b) Put in a plastic bag
    c) Make aam papad and pickle
    d) Prepare juice and store in an airtight container

    15- Select from the following a group that comprises of methods of cooking food.
    a) Boiling, kneading, roasting
    b) Baking, boiling, rolling
    c) Frying, soaking, roasting
    d) Backing, frying, roasting

    Also read – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs – for CTET other TET

    16- While discussing liking and disliking a student says, ‘I and mother both love to eat snakes. Whenever, we feel like eating snakes, we go to a nearby hotel and eat Ling-hu-fen. This student must belong to
    a) Assam
    b) Orissa
    c) Hong kong
    d) Arunachal pradesh

    17- Carrot, radish, sweet potatoes are the modification of
    a) Stem
    b) Buds
    c) branches
    d) Root

    18- If a teacher employs the examples of potato, rice, bfread and sugar, what he intends to teach?
    a) vitamins
    b) Proteins
    c) Minerals
    d) Carbohydrate

    Ans: 1(d), 2(c), 3(c), 4(c), 5(b), 6(b), 7(c), 8(d), 9(c), 10(a), 11(d), 12(b), 13(c), 14(c), 15(d), 16(c), 17(d), 18(d)

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    You may use ‘comment section’ below for your valuable comments/feedback.

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  • CTET Previous Years Questions on Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky with Answer

    Previous Years Questions

    As per CTET syllabus of Paper-I and Paper-II, there shall be 30 questions from Child Development & Pedagogy. Following are the CTET Previous Years Questions on Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky with Answer. These CTET previous years questions on Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky are important questions for CTET, UPTET and other TET exams. Answers of these questions are given in the last of the post.

    CTET Previous Years Questions on Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky

    1- “Children actively construct their understanding of the world” is a statement attributed by?
    a) Piaget
    b) Pavlov
    c) Kohlberg
    d) Skinner

    2- According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, the process by which the cognitive structure is modified is called
    a) Perception
    b) Accommodation
    c) Assimilation
    d) Schema

    3- Four distinct stages of children’s intellectual development are identified by?
    a) Kohlberg
    b) Erikson
    c) Skinner
    d) Piaget

    4- According to Kohlberg, thinking process involved in judgments about questions of right and wrong is called
    a) morality co-operation
    b) moral reasoning
    c) moral realism
    d) moral dilemma

    5- The stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget, in which a child displays ‘object permanence’ is
    a) Concrete operational stage
    b) Formal operational stage
    c) Sensorimotor stage
    d) Pre-operational stage

    Also read – Principles of Growth and Development for CTET and TET

    6- Vygotsky emphasised the significance of the role played by which the following factors in the learning of children?
    a) Social
    b) Hereditary
    c) Moral
    d) Physical

    7- According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, the sensorimotor stage is associated with
    a) concerns about social issues
    b) imitation, memory and mental representation
    c) ability to solve problems in logical fashion
    d) ability to interpret and analyse options

    8- According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instil moral values in children by
    a) giving strict instructions on ‘how to behave’

    b) giving importance to religious teachings
    c) laying clear rules of behaviour
    d) involving them in discussions on moral issues

    9- Vyotsky’s theory implies
    a) after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions
    b) child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own
    c) collaborative problem solving
    d) individual assignments to each student

    10- Scaffolding in the context of learning theories refers to
    a) temporary support in learning by adults
    b) ascertaining the causes of mistakes done by students
    c) simulation teaching
    d) recapitulation of previous learning

    Also read – Type of Development for CTET and other TET

    11- Knowledge of ……… will be most significant for a teacher dealing with a class comprising students of mixed age groups.
    a) occupation of their parents
    b) socio-economic background
    c) cultural background
    d) development stages

    12- Sita has learnt to eat rice and dal with her hand. When she is given dal and rice, she mixes rice and dal and starts eating. She has ……. eating rice and dal into her schema for doing things.
    a) Initiated
    b) Accommodated
    c) Assimilated
    d) Appropriated

    13- In the context of language development, which of the following areas was underestimated by Piaget?
    a) Ego-centric speech
    b) Active construction by the child
    c) Heredity
    d) Social interaction

    14- Which of the following is based on Vyogotsky’s socio-cultural theory?
    a) Operant conditioning

    b) Reciprocal teaching
    c) Culture-neutral cognitive development
    d) Insight learning

    15- The fact that children require culturally relevant knowledge and skills is attributed to
    a) Charles Darwin
    b) BF Skinner
    c) Urie Bronfenbrenner
    d) Lev Vygotsky

    16- Retrieving hidden objects is evidence that infants have begun to master which of the following cognitive functions?
    a) Intentional behaviors
    b) Object-permanence
    c) Problem-solving
    d) Experimentation

    17- Theory of social learning emphasizes on which of the following factors?
    a) Nature
    b) Nurture
    c) Adaption
    d) Amendation

    18- In Vygotsky’s theory, which aspect of development gets neglected?
    a) Social

    b) Cultural
    c) Biological
    d) Linguistic

    19- According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is
    a) zone demarcating the support offered by the teacher
    b) what the child can do on her own which cannot be assessed
    c) the gap between what the child can do independently and with assistance
    d) the amount and nature of support provided to the child to achieve her potential

    20- A major difference between the perspectives of Vygotsky and Piaget pertains to
    a) their critique of behaviouristic principle
    b) their conception of children as active constructors of knowledge
    c) the role of providing a nurturing environment to children
    d) their views about language and thought

    Also read – Human Growth and Development Difference for CTET

    21- The amount and type of scaffolding to a child would change depending on the
    a) mood of the teacher
    b) child’s innate abilities
    c) rewards offered for the task
    d) level of the child’s performance

    22- Fitting new information into existing schemas is known as
    a) accommodation
    b) equilbration
    c) assimilation
    d) organization

    23- According to Piaget’s theory which one out the following will not influence cognitive development?
    a) Language
    b) Social experiences
    c) Maturation
    d) Activity

    24- In Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory which level signified the absence of morality in the true sense?
    a) Level III
    b) Level IV
    c) Level I
    d) Level II

    25- According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years in the ……. stage of cognitive development.
    a) formal operational
    b) concrete operational
    c) sensorimotor
    d) pre-operational

    Also read – Motivation and Type of Motivation for CTET and TET

    26- What term/ phrase does Piaget use for “mental structures which are the building blocks of thinking”
    a) Gene
    b) Maturation blocks
    c) Schemas
    d) Zones of development

    27- According to Vygotsky, children learn
    a) when reinforcement is offered
    b) by maturation
    c) by imitation
    d) by interacting with adults and peers

    28- Kohlberg has given
    a) the stages of cognitive development
    b) the stages of physical development
    c) the stages of emotional development
    d) the stages of moral development

    29- According to Piaget, children’s thinking differs in ….. from adults than in ….. .
    a) amount, kind
    b) size, correctness
    c) kind, amount
    d) size, type

    30- In the context of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, under which stage would the given typical response of a child fall?
    “Your parents will be proud of you if you are honest. So you should be honest”
    a) Social contract orientation
    b) Good girl- good boy orientation
    c) Law and order orientation
    d) Punishment-obedience orientation

    Also read – Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation

    Ans: 1(a), 2(b), 3(d), 4(b), 5(c), 6(a), 7(b), 8(d), 9(c), 10(a), 11(d), 12(c), 13(d), 14(b), 15(d), 16(b), 17(b), 18(c), 19(c), 20(d), 21(d), 22(c), 23(b), 24(c), 25(d), 26(c), 27(d), 28(d), 29(c), 30(b)

    The above CTET previous years questions on Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky are also important questions for CTET, UPTET and other TET exams. Memorize and practice them for your exams preparations. All the best!

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  • Important Synonyms for CTET UPTET and other exams

    For any competitive examination good English vocabulary is very much necessary. Synonyms are the words which have similar meaning. Some of the important synonyms for CTET, UPTET, TET, SSC and competitive exams are given below. Memorize and practice these important synonyms for your exams preparations.

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    Also Read – 10 Important Questions on Motivation for CTET and other TET Exams

    • Ability – Skill, Power, Capacity
    • Abandon- Leave, Surrender, Give-up
    • Abbreviate- Shorten, Condense, Abridge
    • Accelerate-Advance, Expedite, Hasten
    • Accept-Believe, Recognise, Acknowledge
    • Accuse-Blame, Charge, Attribute
    • Accident – Mischance, Mishap, Casualty
    • Abode – Residence ,Habitation , Dwelling place
    • Absence – Deficiency, scarcity, Dearth
    • Accord-Agree, Allow, Grant
    • Aggravate- Irritate, Intensify, Exaggerate
    • Ascend- Move up, Climb, Mount
    • Accent – Emphasis, Stress, Pitch

    Also Read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development

    • Access-Approach, Admission, Entrance
    • Alliance- Coalition, Agreement, Treaty
    • Ancestor- Predecessor, Antecedent, Forefather
    • Ancient- Old-fashioned, Out of date, Obsolete
    • Antipathy- Dislike, Enemity, Hate, Disquest
    • Absolute- Complete, Exact, Unconditional
    • Abnormal- Anomalous, Insane, Irregular
    • Admirable- Excellent, Commendable, Estimable
    • Abundant – Ample, plentiful, Copious
    • Alert- Quick, Prompt, Cautious
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    • Ambitious- Zealous, Aspiring, Soaring
    • Barrier- Obstacle, Fence, Impediment
    • Barbarian- Savage, Illiterate, Boor
    • Battalion- Brigade, Company, Regiment
    • Betray-Abandon, Desert, Forsake
    • Borrow- Imitate, Take, Use, Adopt
    • Behaviour- Conduct, Manner, Dealing
    • Benefit- Gain, Profit, Advantage
    • Boycott-Ignore, Reject, Exclude
    • Banish- Expel, Dismiss, Exile

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    • Bankrupt-Insolvent, Indigent, Penniless
    • Bashful- Shy, Difficult, Timid
    • Bear- Suffer, Feel, Tolerate
    • Beneficial- Helpful, Valuable, Salutary
    • Bright – Shining, Radiant, Lucent
    • Below-Beneath, Inferior, Subordinate
    • Beneath- Under, Down, Below
    • Besides-Move over, Also, Further
    • Beyond- Far, Yonder, Further
    • Careless- Easy-going, Heedless, Non-chalant

    Also Read – UPTET 2019 Exam Pattern & Syllabus (Paper-I and Paper-II)

    • Calm- Relaxed, Tranquil, Quiet
    • Cautious- Alert, Careful, Vigilant
    • Capable- Proficient, Qualified, Competent
    • Calculate- Count, Compute
    • Complicated- Difficult, Complex, Intricate
    • Cancel-Over rule, Abolish, Revoke
    • Exactly- Absolutely, Accurately, Precisely
    • Finally- Ultimately, Conclusively, Lastly
    • Forcibly-Violently, Necessarily, Forcefully
    • Gradually- Steadily, Progressively, Slowly

    Read – Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning

    • Happily-Gladly, Joyfully, Cheerfully
    • Hereditary-Genetic, Inherited, Ancestral
    • Illegal- Unlawful, Illicit, Prohibited
    • Immediate-Recent, Urgent, Instant
    • Internal-Interior, Domestic, Inner
    • Known-Popular, Famous, Familiar
    • Lethal-Noxious, Poisonous, Fatal
    • Luxurious-Lavish, Deluxe, Comfortable
    • Vague- Ambiguous, Ill defined, Obscure
    • Wrong-Incorrect, Untrue, False

    Read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    Above are important synonyms for CTET, UPTET, TET, SSC and competitive exams. Memorize and practice above important synonyms for your exams preparations. All the best!

    Best UPTET Preparation Books

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  • Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    For any competitive examination good English vocabulary is very much necessary. Antonyms are the words which have opposite meaning. Some of the important antonyms for competitive exams are given below. Meaning of words and their antonyms are also given for better understanding. Memorize and practice them for your exams preparations.

    Best CTET Preparation Books

    Important Antonyms (Letter A-B)

    Accept (स्वीकार करना) Reject (अस्वीकार करना)
    Admire (प्रशंसा करना)Despise (नफरत करना)
    Abolish (उन्मूलन करना)Conform (नियमों का पालन करना)
    Abundance (अधिकता)Dearth (कमी)
    Absence (अनुपस्थित)Presence (उपस्थित)
    Ancient (प्राचीन)Modern (आधुनिक)
    Acquit (क्षमा देना)Convict (सजा देना)
    Abandon (छोड़ देना)Retain (बनाए रखना)
    Barren (बंजर)Fertile (उपजाऊ)
    Barbarous (असभ्य)Civilized (सभ्य)
    Begin (शुरु)Finish/End/Stop (समाप्त)
    Belittle (घ्र्णा करना)Praise/Exaggerate (प्रशंसा करना)
    Base (तल)Top/Apex (शिखर)
    Bankrupt (दिवालिया)Solvent (करदानक्षम)
    Bend (मोड़ना)Straighten (सीधा करना)
    Beyond (दूर) Near/Close (पास)

    Also Read – Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning

    Important Antonyms (Letter C-E)

    Word Antonyms
    Care (ध्यान)Neglect (तिरस्कार)
    Capture (पकड़ना)Free/Liberate (स्वतंत्र करना)
    Comply (स्वीकार करना)Ignore/Disobey (अवज्ञा करना)
    Callous (कठोर)Kind/Compassionate(दयालु)
    Dangerous (खतरनाक)Safe/Harmless (सुरक्षित)
    Death (कमी, अकाल)Abundance (अधिकता)
    Dawn (प्रभात)Dusk (गोधूली)
    Decay (क्षरण)Prosper/Flourish (बढ़ना)
    Darken (अंधेरा करना)Lighten/Brighten (रोशनी करना)
    Enjoy (पसंद)Dislike/Hate (घ्रणा)
    Enlarge (बड़ा करना)Reduce/Diminish/Lessen (छोटा करना)
    Enemity (शत्रुता)Friendship/Goodwill (मित्रता)
    Entrance (प्रवेश मार्ग)Exit (निकास)
    Earthly (सांसारिक)Heavenly/Spiritual (आध्यात्मिक)
    Elementary (प्रारम्भिक) Advanced/Senior (उन्नत)
    Best UPTET Preparation Books

    Also Read -List of Important Days – National and International

    Important Antonyms (Letter F-G)

    Word Antonyms
    Failure (असफलता)Success (सफलता)
    Faith (विश्वास)Distrust (अविश्वास)
    Factual (वास्तविक)Untrue/Fictitious (काल्पनिक)
    Fake (जाली)Sincere/Genuine/Authentic (सही)
    Fatal (खतरनाक)Harmless/Beneficial (फायदेमंद)
    Fantastic (काल्पनिक, अच्छा)Real/Ordinary/Poor (वास्तविक, बेकार)
    Genius (बुद्धिमान)Dolt (मूर्ख)
    Glory (यश)Shame/Disgrace/Blash Phemy (शर्म)
    Generous (उदार)Meagre/Selfish/Mean (स्वार्थी)
    Gather (इकट्ठा होना) Separate/Scatter/Disperse (तितर बितर होना)
    Get (पाना)Lose (खोना)
    Generally (सामान्यत:)Unusually/Particularly/Rarely (दुर्लभ)

    Also Read -विश्व की प्रमुख मुद्राएं Currency of Different Countries in Hindi

    Important Antonyms (Letter H-J)

    Word Antonyms
    Hide (छिपाना) Reveal/Disclose (बताना)
    Hold (पकड़ना) Giveup/Hand over/Release (छोड़ना)
    Harmony (सहमति)Disagreement (असहमति)
    Haste (जल्दी)Delay (देरी)
    Helpless (असहाय)Fit/Capable (समर्थ)
    Hardly (मुश्किल से)Fully/Undoubtedly (निस्संदेह)
    Heavily (दुख से)Lightly/Slightly/Happily (खुशी से)
    Hardy (साहसी)Delicate/Weak/Cowardly (डरपोक)
    Illuminate (प्रकाशयुक्त करना)Darken (अंधेरा करना)
    Imprison (कैद)Free/Release/Liberate (आजाद)
    Ignorance (अज्ञान)Knowledge/Enlightenment (ज्ञान)
    Illusion (भ्रम) Reality (सच्चाई)
    Idle (रुका हुआ)Active/Industrious (सक्रिय)
    Join (साथ आना)Leave/Separate (छोड़ना)
    Juicy (रसीला)Dry (सूखा)
    Joyful (आनंदायक)Sad/Depressed/Miserable (दुखी, उदास)

    Also Read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development

    Important Antonyms (Letter K-O)

    Keen (उत्सुक) Dull/Apathelic/Blunt (कुंठित)
    Know (जानना)Ignore/Misunderstand (गलत समझना)
    Lead (नेत्रत्व करना)Follow/Trail (अनुगमन करना)
    Lack (कमी)Abundance/Sufficiency/Excess (अधिकता)
    Leave (जाना)Come/Arrive/Stay (आना)
    Lavish (खर्चीला)Frugal/Meagre (मितव्ययी)
    Maintain (बनाए रखना)Neglect/Deny/Breakoff (उपेक्षा)
    Make (बनाना)Destroy/Demolish (नष्ट करना)
    Majority (बहुमत)Minority (अल्पमत)
    Malevolent (द्रोही)Benevolent (हितकारी)
    Main (मुख्य)Subsidiary (सहायक)
    Nonsense (अनर्थक) Sense/Wisdom (विवेक)
    Notice (ध्यान देना) Overlook/Ignore/Disregard (ध्यान न देना)
    Nasty (गंदा)Delightful/Agreeable/Pleasant (अच्छा)
    Obey (आज्ञा मानना)Disobey/Defy/Ignore (आज्ञा नहीं मानना)

    Also read – Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation

    Important Antonyms (from letter P onward)

    Word Antonyms
    Pardon (माफ करना) Punish/Blame (सजा देना)
    Pernicious (नुकसानदायक)Beneficial/Favourable (फायदेमंद)
    Peace (शांति)Conflict/War/Agitation/Noise (झगड़ा)
    Paradise (स्वर्ग)Hell (नरक)
    Quickly (तेजी से)Slowly (धीरे से)
    Sorrow (दुख)Joy/Pleasure/Delight (आनंद)
    Seldom (कभी-कभी)Frequently/Often (प्राय:)
    Tribute (प्रशस्ति)Reproach/Criticism (आलोचना)
    Union (जुड़ना)Parting/Separation (अलग होना)
    Unity (एकता)Discord/Division (बंटवारा)
    Vanity (घमंड)Worth/Humanity/Modesty (विनम्रता)
    Virtue (गुण)Sin/Vice (अवगुण)

    Also read – Divisibility Rules of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

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