Category: Computer

  • Previous Years SSC Questions on Computer

    Previous Years Questions

    Dear readers, in this post SSC Previous Years Questions on Computer are given. These are important questions for other competitive exams as well. Answers of these questions are mentioned in the last of the post.

    SSC Previous Years Questions on Computer

    1- CAD stands for
    a) Computer Automatic Design
    b) Computer Aided Decode
    c) Computer Automatic Decode
    d) Computer Aided Design

    2- Which of the following stores data permanently in a computer?
    a) ALU
    b) Cache
    c) RAM
    d) ROM

    3- C++ is …………
    a) an operating system
    b) a programming language
    c) a software
    d) None of the above

    4- Which is not an external storage?
    a) CD-ROM
    b) DVD-ROM
    c) Pen Drive
    d) RAM

    5- The father of computer is
    a) Charles Babbage
    b) Charles Dikens
    c) Oliver Twist
    d) Love Lice

    Also read – Classification of Computer

    6- Identify the odd term amongst the following:
    a) Microwaves
    b) Coaxial cable
    c) Optical fibre
    d) Twisted pair wire

    7- Which of the following is an impact printer?
    a) Laser printer
    b) Daisy wheel printer
    c) Inkjet printer
    d) Bubble-jet printer

    8- Which of the following is a “Modifier Key”?
    a) Control
    b) Shift
    c) Alt
    d) All of the above

    9- Which of the following is referred as the geometric arrangement of a computer system?
    a) Protocol
    b) Topology
    c) Network
    d) Media

    10- Which one among the following is a main system board of a computer?
    a) CPU
    b) Keyboard
    c) Microchip
    d) Motherboard

    11- Unix operating system is generally known as
    a) Multiuser operating system
    b) General application
    c) Single user operating system
    d) Single user application program

    12- The technology used in the electronic printer is called
    a) Microarray
    b) Micromillimetric
    c) Microencapsulation
    d) Microtechnology

    13- What is meant by WiMAX?
    a) Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access
    b) Wired Interoperability for Microwave Access
    c) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
    d) Worldwide Infrastructure for Microwave Access

    14- In which graphics, digital photos and scanned images are typically stored with extensions such as .bmp, .png, .jpg, .tif or gif?
    a) Bitmap
    b) Pixels
    c) Plane
    d) Both Bitmap and Pixels

    15- Fortran is not used for…..
    I. drawing pictures
    II. carrying out mathematics computations
    a) Only I
    b) Only II
    c) Both I and II
    d) Neither I nor II

    Also read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    Answers of above SSC Previous Years Questions on Computer

    1(d), 2(d), 3(b), 4(d), 5(a), 6(a), 7(b), 8(d), 9(b), 10(d), 11(a), 12(d), 13(c), 14(a), 15(a)

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    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

  • Computer related Abbreviations and their Full Form

    Abbreviation Full Form
    ACE Access Control Entry
    AI Artificial Intelligence
    ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
    ASCII American Standard Code For Information Interchange
    BASIC Beginner`s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
    BCD Binary Coded Decimal
    BIOS Basic Input Output System
    BMP Bitmap
    BPS Bytes Per Seconds
    CAD Computer Aided Design
    CD Compact Disc
    CD-RW Compact Disc ReWritable
    CDROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory
    COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
    CPU Central Processing Unit
    DBMS Data Base Management System
    DHTML Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language
    DOS Disk Operating System
    DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
    DVD Digital Versatile Disc
    EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
    EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
    ENIAC Electronics Numerical Integrator And Calculator
    EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
    EROM Erasable Read Only Memory
    FDD Floppy Disk Drive
    FIFO First In First Out
    FORTRAN Formula Translation
    FTP File Transfer Protocol
    GB Giga Bytes
    GIF Graphic Interchange Format
    GUI Graphical User Interface
    HDD Hard Disk Drive
    HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
    HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
    IO Input Output
    IBM International Business Machines
    IC Integrated Circuit
    IE Internet Explorer
    IP Internet Protocol
    ISO International Standard Organization
    ISP Internet Service Provider
    IT Information Technology

    Also read – How to Check Divisibility by 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16

    Abbreviation Full Form
    JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
    KB Kilo Bytes
    KBPS Kilo Bytes Per Second
    LAN Local Area Network
    LIFO Last In First Out
    MAN Metropolitan Area Network
    MB Mega Bytes
    MBPS Mega Bytes Per Second
    MICR MagneticInk Characters Reader
    MODEM Modulator And Demodulator
    MP3 Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer 3
    MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group
    MS Microsoft
    MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
    MSIIS Microsoft Internet Information Server
    MSN Microsoft Network
    NCP Network Control Protocol
    NIIT National Institute Of Information Technology
    OCR Optical Character Readers
    OMR Optical Mark Reader
    OS Operating System
    PC Personal Computer
    PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
    PDA Personal Digital Assistant
    PDF Portable Document Format
    PDL Page Description Language
    PILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
    PNG Portable Network Graphics
    PNP Plug And Play
    PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
    RAM Random Access Memory
    ROM Read Only Memory
    SAP Systems Applications Products
    SQL Structured Query Language
    TB Tera Bytes
    TCP Transmission Control Protocol
    TCPIP Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
    UI User Interface
    URL Universal Resource Locator
    USB Universal Serial Bus
    VAN Virtual Area Network
    VB Visual Basic
    VC++ Visual C++
    VCD Video Compact Disc
    VLSI Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
    VS Visual Studio
    WAN Wide Area Network
    WAP Wireless Application Protocol
    WORM Write Once Read Many
    WWW World Wide Web

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  • Classification of Computer for Competitive Exams

    Computer Classification
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    Dear Readers, In this post Classification of Computer is given. Basically Computer is an electronic machine that accepts data (input) from the user, processes the data by performing calculations and operations on it and then generates the desired results (output) to the user.

    Computers are mainly classified on the basis of Size, Work and Purpose as following:

    Computer Classification on the basis of Size

    On the basis of size, computers are classified as (i) Micro Computer, (ii) Mini Computer, (iii) Mainframe Computer and (iv) Super Computer as below:

    (i) Micro Computer

    Micro computers are the most widely used computers. They are also called portable computers, though they are the least powerful. Types of Micro computers are following:

    • Personal Computer (PC)
    • Laptop
    • Tablet
    • Handheld Computers
    • Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
    (ii) Mini Computer

    Mini computers are more powerful and costly than Micro computes. They were designed initially for CAD (Computer Aided Design) related works but now they are used as central computer. E.g. IBM-17, HP-9000 etc.

    (iii) Mainframe Computer

    Mainframe computers are larger, faster and cost higher than Mini computers. They have large internal memory, computing and storage. They also have comprehensive range of softwares. E.g. IBM S/390/, UNIVAC 110 etc.

    (iv) Super Computer

    Super computers are fastest and the most expensive type of computers. They have very high processing speed. Their speed measurement unit is FLOPS (Floating point operations per second). E.g. CRAY-1, PARAM etc.

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    Computer Classification on the basis of Work

    Computers are also classified on the basis of the work as (i) Analog Computer, (ii) Digital Computer and (iii) Hybrid Computer as mentioned below:

    (i) Analog Computer

    Analog computers are job oriented computers. They can perform several mathematical operations simultaneously. E.g. seismograph, speedometers etc.

    (ii) Digital Computer

    Digital computers work on the binary digits. They also perform mathematical calculations and produce desired results (graphics, sounds). E.g. Desktop (PC), Laptop etc.

    (iii) Hybrid Computer

    Hybrid computers are the combination of analog and digital computers. Several machines used in hospitals like DIALYSIS and ECG are the commonly used hybrid computers.

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    Computer Classification on the basis of Purpose

    On the basis of purpose, computers can be classified as (i) General Purpose Computer and (ii) Special Purpose Computer as below:

    (i) General Purpose Computer

    The main use of General Purpose computers are to solve various types of problems bu using various types of programs, applications, software etc. E.g. to make small database, calculations, accounting etc.

    (ii) Special Purpose Computer

    The use of Special purpose computers are to solve a single particular type of problems. E.g. Automatic Aircraft Landing etc.

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