• Math Pedagogy Questions – MCQ Exercise Set-2 for TET

    Math Pedagogy MCQ Exercise

    In this following section of Math Pedagogy Questions – MCQ Exercise Set-2 for CTET, HTET, RTET, UPTET, and other TET exams, 30 questions (MCQ) with 4 choices are given. Choose the right answer for each question. Answer of these important Math Pedagogy questions are available in the last of this post. Check how many of your answers are correct.

    Read – Math Pedagogy MCQ Exercise Set-1 for CTET & TET

    Math Pedagogy Questions – MCQ Exercise Set-2

    1- Which of the following can be used as learning resources for visually challenged in Mathematics classroom?
    a) Taylor’s abacus, fraction kit, number chart
    b) Number chart, computer, geoboard
    c) Taylor’s abacus, computer, geoboard
    d) Computer, number chart, geoboard

    2- “Errors play an important role in Mathematics” This statement is
    a) false, as there is no scope of errors in Mathematics
    b) false, as errors indicate careless
    c) true, as they give ideas about how children construct Mathematics concepts
    d) true, as they give feedback to students about their marks

    3- Which of the following method is based on principles of “Watch, listen and learn”?
    a) Laboratory Method
    b) Demonstration Method
    c) Lecture Method
    d) Research Method

    4- The inductive method of Mathematics teaching is based on the principle
    a) from unknown to unknown
    b) from unknown to known
    c) from general to particular
    d) from particular to general

    5- Manipulative models, static pictures, written symbols, spoken and written language, real world situations or context are five ways to represent
    a) mathematical thinking and ideas
    b) geometrical proof
    c) mathematics curriculum
    d) mathematical vocabulary

    Read – Parts of Speech

    6- The devices which are used to make teaching methods more effective are known as
    a) objectives of teaching
    b) principles of teaching
    c) techniques of teaching
    d) All of the above

    7- Evaluation is closely related with
    a) content
    b) evaluation strategies
    c) objectives
    d) process of learning

    8- Which type of evaluation has main purpose to give ‘feedback’ to the students?
    a) Formative evaluation
    b) Diagnostic evaluation
    c) Summative evaluation
    d) Prognostic evaluation

    9- A child who is able to perform all number operations and is able to explain the concept of fractions is at
    a) partition phase
    b) operational phase
    c) emergent phase
    d) quantifying phase

    10- Formative assessment in Mathematics at primary stage includes
    a) identification of learning gaps and deficiencies in teaching
    b) identification of common errors
    c) testing of procedural knowledge and analytical abilities
    d) grading and ranking of students

    EVS MCQ Exercise Practice Set-1 for CTET & TETs

    11- If Intelligence Quotient of a student is 100, it means that
    a) the student is genius
    b) intelligence level of the student is maximum
    c) mental age of the student is more than chronological age
    d) mental age of the student is same as the chronological age

    12- Most appropriate formative task to assess the students’ understanding of data analysis is?
    a) quiz
    b) role play
    c) crossword
    d) survey based project

    13- If student writes ‘five thousand fifty’ as ‘550’, it means
    a) concept of place value is not clear
    b) does not have knowledge of numbers
    c) does not have knowledge of Mathematics
    d) does not know addition

    14- Which of the following statements is not true about ‘mapping’ in Mathematics?
    a) Mapping strengthens spatial thinking
    b) Mapping promotes proportional reasoning
    c) Mapping is not a part of Mathematics curriculum
    d) Mapping can be integrated in may topics of Mathematics

    15- Mathematical communication refers to
    a) ability to consolidate and organise mathematical thinking
    b) ability to solve problems
    c) skills to participate in Mathematics quiz
    d) ability to speak in Mathematics classroom

    16- Which of the following is not an objective of teaching Mathematics at primary level according to NCF, 2005?
    a) Preparing for learning higher an abstract Mathematics
    b) Making Mathematics part of child’s life experiences
    c) Promoting problem-solving and problem posing skills
    d) Promoting logical thinking

    17- According to the NCF, 2005 which one of the following is not a major aim of Mathematics education in primary schools?
    a) To Mathematise the child’s thought process
    b) To relate Mathematics to the child’s context
    c) To enhance problem-solving skills
    d) To prepare for higher education in Mathematics

    18- As per the NCF 2005, the narrow aim of teaching Mathematics at schools is to
    a) teach daily life problems related to linear algebra
    b) develop numeracy related skills
    c) teach algebra
    d) teach calculation and measurement

    19- NCF 2005 emphasizes that
    a) Maths shall be taught to selective students
    b) succeeding in Mathematics should be mandatory for every child
    c) students should be tested first for their logical mathematical ability
    d) Maths curriculum shall be separate for low achievers

    20- When faced with word problems, Rajan usually asks “should I add or subtract.” “Should I multiply or divide?” Such questions suggest
    a) Rajan cannot add or multiply
    b) Rajan seeks opportunities to disturb the class
    c) Rajan has problem in comprehensing language
    d) Rajan lacks understanding of number operations

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    21- ‘Mathematics puzzles’ at primary level help in
    a) identifying brilliant students of the class
    b) providing fun to students
    c) testing problem-solving skills
    d) promoting problem-solving skills

    22- To introduce the concept of fractions a teacher can begin with
    a) identifying numerators and denominators of different
    b) finding fractions on a numbers line
    c) writing fractions in the form of a/b where b is not equal to 0
    d) identifying the fractional part of things around them

    23- The nature of Mathematics is
    a) ornamental
    b) logical
    c) difficult
    d) not for common

    24- Most appropriate strategy that can be used to internalize the skill of addition of money is
    a) use of models
    b) role play
    c) solving lots of problems
    d) use of ICT

    25- To be a “good” mathematician one must be able to
    a) master the techniques of answering questions
    b) memorize most of the formulae
    c) solve the problem in no time
    d) understand, apply and make connection across all the concepts

    26- Oral examples help to develop which power in pupils?
    a) Thought
    b) Logic
    c) Imaginations
    d) All of the above

    27- Success in developing values in mainly dependent upon
    a) government
    b) society
    c) family
    d) teacher

    28- The main goal of Mathematics education is
    a) to formulate theorems of Geometry and their proofs independently
    b) to help the students to understand Mathematics
    c) to develop useful capabilities
    d) to develop children’s abilities for mathematization

    29- Which work is not related with a teacher?
    a) Planning
    b) Guidance
    c) Teaching
    d) Budgeting

    30- Most of use of Mathematics done in the activities of human life, that is?
    a) cultural
    b) psychological
    c) social
    d) economical

    Biology Questions for Competitive Exams

    Answers of above Math Pedagogy Questions – MCQ Exercise Set-2

    1(a), 2(c), 3(b), 4(c), 5(a), 6(c), 7(c), 8(a), 9(b), 10(a), 11(d), 12(d), 13(a), 14(c), 15(a), 16(a), 17(d), 18(b), 19(b), 20(d), 21(d), 22(d), 23(b), 24(b), 25(d), 26(d), 27(d), 28(d), 29(d), 30(d)

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  • UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language – UPTET 2017

    Previous Years Questions

    Dear readers, in this post UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language are given. These questions are from UPTET 2017. Practice of these questions will help in understanding the pattern of Hindi language paper of UPTET and other TET exams. These UPTET previous years questions on Hindi Language are important questions for UPTET as well as other TET and CTET.

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    UPTET Previous Years Questions of 2017 on Hindi Language

    1- ‘निमिष’ शब्द का पर्याय है
    a) प्रकाश
    b) छिद्र
    c) पूर्ण
    d) क्षण

    2- ‘निष्कपट ‘ शब्द का संधि-विच्छेद है
    a) नि: + कपट
    b) निष + कपट
    c) नि + कपट
    d) निश + कपट

    3- ‘अत्यन्त’ शब्द का प्रयुक्त उपसर्ग है
    a) अत
    b) अ
    c) अत्य
    d) अति

    4- ‘मुझसे उठा नहीं गया’ वाक्य में कौन सा वाच्य है
    a) कर्तवाच्य
    b) कर्मवाच्य
    c) भाववाच्य
    d) इनमें से कोई नहीं

    5- निम्न में से किस शब्द की वर्तनी सही है
    a) अनुग्रहीत
    b) अनुगृहीत
    c) अनग्रहीत
    d) अनुग्रहित

    Also read – Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation

    6- ‘उपत्यका’ का अर्थ है
    a) सूर्य जिस पर्वत की पीछे से निकलता है
    b) प्राणियों के शरीर का एक अंग
    c) पर्वत का शिखर
    d) पर्वत के पास की भूमि

    7- ‘जिसकी पूर्व से कोई आशा ना हो’ के लिए एक शब्द है
    a) प्रत्याशा
    b) अप्रत्याशित
    c) अपरिमेय
    d) अनाहूत

    8- ‘अपेक्षा’ का विशेषण रूप क्या है
    a) सापेक्ष
    b) उपेक्षा
    c) निरपेक्ष
    d) अपेक्षित

    9- ‘ङ’ का उच्चारण स्थान होता है
    a) नासिक्य
    b) कण्ठौष्ठ्य
    c) मूर्धन्य
    d) कण्ठतालव्य

    10- ‘गोधूम’ शब्द का तदभव है
    a) गेहूँ
    b) गाय
    c) गोबर
    d) गोधन

    Also read – Motivation and Type of Motivation for CTET and TET

    11- ‘श’ ध्वनि का उच्चारण स्थान क्या है
    a) दन्त
    b) मूद्ध्रा
    c) तालु
    d) दंतालु

    12- ‘चार गज मलमल में’ कौन सा विशेषण है
    a) संख्यावाचक
    b) गुणवाचक
    c) परिमाणबोधक
    d) सार्वनामिक

    13- ‘सीस’ का तत्सम रूप क्या है
    a) शीशा
    b) शीर्ष
    c) सिरा
    d) शीर्षक

    14- निम्न में से किस देस में हिन्दी भाषा का प्रयोग लिखने एवं बोलने में किया जाता है
    a) ऑस्ट्रेलिया
    b) दक्षिण अमेरिका
    c) पाकिस्तान
    d) मॉरीशस

    15- ‘चौराहा’ शब्द में समास है
    a) कर्मधारय
    b) द्वंद
    c) द्विगु
    d) अव्यवीभाव

    Also read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development

    16- ‘सूरसागर’ किस भाषा की रचना है
    a) अवधी
    b) बुन्देली
    c) ब्रज
    d) छत्तीसगढ़ी

    17- ‘आँख की किरकिरी होना’ का अर्थ है
    a) अप्रिय लगना
    b) धोखा देना
    c) कष्टदायक होना
    d) बहुत प्रिय होना

    18- निम्नलिखित में से मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति का रूप है
    a) शुद्ध वर्तनी
    b) सुलेख
    c) श्रुतलेख
    d) आशु भाषण

    19- ‘वीरों का कैसा हो बसन्त’ कविता किसने लिखी है
    a) सुमित्रा कुमारी चौहान
    b) सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान
    c) माखन लाल चतुर्वेदी
    d) रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’

    20- हिन्दी भाषा में कितनी बोलियाँ हैं
    a) 15
    b) 25
    c) 18
    d) 22

    Also read – CTET Syllabus 2019 for Paper II – Elementary Stage

    21- निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी व्याकरण और वर्तनी से शुद्ध भाषा कहलाती है
    a) साहित्यिक भाषा
    b) प्रांजल भाषा
    c) व्याकरणिक भाषा
    d) मानक भाषा

    22- भारतेन्दु युग में निकलने वाली पत्रिका युग्म है
    a) कविवचन सुधा-हिन्दी प्रदीप
    b) सरस्वती-माधुरी
    c) कल्पना-ज्ञानोदय
    d) नवनीत-कादम्बिनी

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    23- निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा रासो ‘आल्हाखण्ड’ के नाम से प्रशिद्ध है
    a) प्रथ्वीराज रासो
    b) खुमान रासो
    c) परमाल रासो
    d) बीसलदेव रासो

    24- ‘तदभव’ पत्रिका के सम्पादक का नाम है
    a) लीलाधार जगूड़ी
    b) विश्वनाथ प्रसाद तिवारी
    c) हरे प्रकाश उपाध्याय
    d) अखिलेश

    25- ‘बारह बरस लौ कूकर जीवै, अरू तेरह लौ जिये सियार’ पंक्ति किसकी है
    a) विद्यापति
    b) चंद वरदाई
    c) नरपति नाल्ह
    d) जगनिक

    Answers of above UPTET Previous Years Questions on Hindi Language

    1(d), 2(a), 3(d), 4(b), 5(b), 6(d), 7(b), 8(d), 9(a), 10(a), 11(c), 12(c), 13(b), 14(d), 15(c), 16(c), 17(c), 18(d), 19(b), 20(c), 21(d), 22(a), 23(c), 24(d), 25(d)

    आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

    Check Complete List – Hindi

    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

  • UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language

    Previous Years Questions

    Dear readers, in this post UPTET Previous Years Questions Answer on Hindi Language are given. These questions are from UPTET 2016. Practice of these questions will help in understanding the pattern of Hindi language paper of UPTET and other TET exams. These UPTET previous years questions on Hindi Language are important questions for UPTET as well as other TET and CTET.

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    UPTET Previous Years Questions on Hindi Language

    1- भाषा – शिक्षण की पद्धति नहीं है
    a) किंडरगार्टन
    b) मोंटेसरी
    c) डेक्राली
    d) अभिक्रमित अनुदेशन

    2- “बालक की प्राथमिक शिक्षा उसकी मात्रभाषा में दी जाये” यह मानना है
    a) मोंटेसरी का
    b) महात्मा गांधी का
    c) फ़्रोबेल का
    d) क्लिपेट्रिक का

    3- व्याकरण – शिक्षण के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है
    a) आगमन प्रणाली
    b) निगमन प्रणाली
    c) अव्याक्र्ति प्रणाली
    d) कक्षाभिनय प्रणाली

    4- “आनन्द कादम्बिनी” पत्रिका का प्रकाशन कहाँ से होता है
    a) बनारस
    b) मिर्जापुर
    c) इलाहाबाद
    d) लखनऊ

    5- आदिकाल की रचना है
    a) अखरावट
    b) छ्त्रसाल दसक
    c) दीपशिखा
    d) खुमान रासो

    Also read – Micro Teaching – for CTET and Other TETs Preparation

    6- हिन्दी गद्य-शिक्षण की पाठ-योजना में उद्येश्य-कथन आता है
    a) पूर्वज्ञान के पश्चात
    b) प्रस्तावना प्रश्न के पश्चात
    c) आदर्श वाचन के पश्चात
    d) मौन वाचन के पहले

    7- शब्द का अर्थ स्पष्ट करने हेतु कौन सा तरीका सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त है
    a) वाक्यप्रयोग
    b) व्याख्यान
    c) भ्रमण
    d) चित्र – निर्माण

    8- राष्ट्र्वादी कवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर को ‘उर्वशी’ के लिए ‘ज्ञानपीठ-पुरस्कार’ किस वर्ष प्रदान किया गया
    a) 1971 में
    b) 1972 में
    c) 1973 में
    d) 1974 में

    Best UPTET Preparation Books

    9- ‘निरामिष’ किसे कहते हैं
    a) मांस रहित भोजन
    b) मोक्ष का इच्छुक
    c) रात्रि में विचरण करने वाला
    d) मृत्यु का इच्छुक

    10- ‘शहद’ शब्द है
    a) तत्सम
    b) तदभव
    c) देशज
    d) आगत

    Also read – Motivation and Type of Motivation for CTET and TET

    11- ‘वनिता’ का प्रयोग किस अर्थ में होता है
    a) जंगल
    b) स्त्री
    c) पुस्तक
    d) व्यवसायी

    12- ‘मुकुंद’ किसका पर्याय है
    a) विष्णु
    b) शिव
    c) सूर्य
    d) कामदेव

    13- ” काहे री नलिनी तू कुम्हलानी तेरे ही नाली सरोवर पानी ” पंक्ति के रचनाकार कौन हैं
    a) जायसी
    b) रैदास
    c) कबीर
    d) दादू

    14- आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल का निबंध संग्रह है
    a) माटी का फूल
    b) चिंतामणि
    c) क्षण बोले कण मुसकाए
    d) आलोक पर्व

    15- ‘ अर्ध-स्वर ‘ हैं
    a) य, व
    b) इ, उ
    c) ऋ, ल्र
    d) ऋ, ष

    Also read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development

    16- ” चोर की दाढ़ी में तिनका ” मुहावरे का सही अर्थ है
    a) अपराधी का अपनी दाढ़ी खुजलाना
    b) अपराधी का शंका ग्रस्त रहना
    c) अपराधी की पहचान हो जाना
    d) अपराधी का अपनी पहचान छुपाना

    17- ” एक बार कही बात को दुहराते रहना ” वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द है
    a) आगार
    b) प्राक्कथन
    c) पिष्टपेषण
    d) प्रस्तावना

    18- ‘ बुद्धिहीन ‘ शब्द व्याकरण की द्रष्टि किस संवर्ग में है
    a) संज्ञा
    b) सर्वनाम
    c) विशेषण
    d) क्रिया

    19- छत से ईंट गिरी वाक्य में कौन सा कारक है
    a) अपादान
    b) संबंध
    c) अधिकरण
    d) सम्प्र्दान

    20- महोर्मि का संधि – विच्छेद है
    a) महत – उर्मि
    b) महत – उर्मि
    c) महा – ऊर्मि
    d) महत – मर्मि

    Also read – CTET Syllabus 2019 for Paper II – Elementary Stage

    21- समष्टि का विपरार्थी शब्द है
    a) विशिष्ट
    b) अशिष्ट
    c) अपुष्टि
    d) व्यष्टि

    22- कर्पट का तदभव रूप है
    a) कपट
    b) कारपेट
    c) कपूर
    d) कपड़ा

    23- रमणीय में कौन सा प्रत्यय है
    a) अनीय
    b) ईय
    c) रम
    d) णीय

    24- ” श्री गुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मन मुकुर सुधार । बरनौ रघुवर विमल जस, जो दायक फल चार ” में छ्ंद है
    a) दोहा
    b) सोरठा
    c) रोला
    d) बरवै

    25- वाक्य शुद्ध है
    a) मोहन और गीता गा रही है ।
    b) मोहन और गीता गा रहा है ।
    c) मोहन और गीता गा रहे हैं ।
    d) मोहन और गीता गा रही हैं ।

    Also read – Principles of Growth and Development for CTET and TET

    26- इन शब्दों में से कौन सा शब्द हिन्दी शब्दकोश में सबसे अंत में आएगा
    a) क्लीव
    b) क्रम
    c) क्रषक
    d) क्र्षानु

    27- चराचरम (जगत) में कौन सा समास है
    a) तत्पुरुष
    b) द्वंद
    c) बहुब्रीहि
    d) कर्मधारय

    28- अभ्यागत में कौन सा उपसर्ग है
    a) अ
    b) अभ्य
    c) अभि
    d) अभ्या

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    Answers of above UPTET Previous Years Questions on Hindi Language

    1(d), 2(b), 3(d), 4(b), 5(d), 6(b), 7(a), 8(b), 9(a), 10(d), 11(b), 12(a), 13(c), 14(b), 15(a), 16(b), 17(c), 18(c), 19(a), 20(c), 21(d), 22(c), 23(b), 24(a), 25(c), 26(a), 27(d), 28(a)

    आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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  • Important Synonyms for CTET UPTET and other exams

    For any competitive examination good English vocabulary is very much necessary. Synonyms are the words which have similar meaning. Some of the important synonyms for CTET, UPTET, TET, SSC and competitive exams are given below. Memorize and practice these important synonyms for your exams preparations.

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    Also Read – 10 Important Questions on Motivation for CTET and other TET Exams

    • Ability – Skill, Power, Capacity
    • Abandon- Leave, Surrender, Give-up
    • Abbreviate- Shorten, Condense, Abridge
    • Accelerate-Advance, Expedite, Hasten
    • Accept-Believe, Recognise, Acknowledge
    • Accuse-Blame, Charge, Attribute
    • Accident – Mischance, Mishap, Casualty
    • Abode – Residence ,Habitation , Dwelling place
    • Absence – Deficiency, scarcity, Dearth
    • Accord-Agree, Allow, Grant
    • Aggravate- Irritate, Intensify, Exaggerate
    • Ascend- Move up, Climb, Mount
    • Accent – Emphasis, Stress, Pitch

    Also Read – CTET Questions on Growth and Development

    • Access-Approach, Admission, Entrance
    • Alliance- Coalition, Agreement, Treaty
    • Ancestor- Predecessor, Antecedent, Forefather
    • Ancient- Old-fashioned, Out of date, Obsolete
    • Antipathy- Dislike, Enemity, Hate, Disquest
    • Absolute- Complete, Exact, Unconditional
    • Abnormal- Anomalous, Insane, Irregular
    • Admirable- Excellent, Commendable, Estimable
    • Abundant – Ample, plentiful, Copious
    • Alert- Quick, Prompt, Cautious
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    Also Read – भारत की बोले जाने वाली 22 भाषाएँ Bharat ki Boliyan in Hindi

    • Ambitious- Zealous, Aspiring, Soaring
    • Barrier- Obstacle, Fence, Impediment
    • Barbarian- Savage, Illiterate, Boor
    • Battalion- Brigade, Company, Regiment
    • Betray-Abandon, Desert, Forsake
    • Borrow- Imitate, Take, Use, Adopt
    • Behaviour- Conduct, Manner, Dealing
    • Benefit- Gain, Profit, Advantage
    • Boycott-Ignore, Reject, Exclude
    • Banish- Expel, Dismiss, Exile

    Also Read – How to Check Divisibility by 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16

    • Bankrupt-Insolvent, Indigent, Penniless
    • Bashful- Shy, Difficult, Timid
    • Bear- Suffer, Feel, Tolerate
    • Beneficial- Helpful, Valuable, Salutary
    • Bright – Shining, Radiant, Lucent
    • Below-Beneath, Inferior, Subordinate
    • Beneath- Under, Down, Below
    • Besides-Move over, Also, Further
    • Beyond- Far, Yonder, Further
    • Careless- Easy-going, Heedless, Non-chalant

    Also Read – UPTET 2019 Exam Pattern & Syllabus (Paper-I and Paper-II)

    • Calm- Relaxed, Tranquil, Quiet
    • Cautious- Alert, Careful, Vigilant
    • Capable- Proficient, Qualified, Competent
    • Calculate- Count, Compute
    • Complicated- Difficult, Complex, Intricate
    • Cancel-Over rule, Abolish, Revoke
    • Exactly- Absolutely, Accurately, Precisely
    • Finally- Ultimately, Conclusively, Lastly
    • Forcibly-Violently, Necessarily, Forcefully
    • Gradually- Steadily, Progressively, Slowly

    Read – Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning

    • Happily-Gladly, Joyfully, Cheerfully
    • Hereditary-Genetic, Inherited, Ancestral
    • Illegal- Unlawful, Illicit, Prohibited
    • Immediate-Recent, Urgent, Instant
    • Internal-Interior, Domestic, Inner
    • Known-Popular, Famous, Familiar
    • Lethal-Noxious, Poisonous, Fatal
    • Luxurious-Lavish, Deluxe, Comfortable
    • Vague- Ambiguous, Ill defined, Obscure
    • Wrong-Incorrect, Untrue, False

    Read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    Above are important synonyms for CTET, UPTET, TET, SSC and competitive exams. Memorize and practice above important synonyms for your exams preparations. All the best!

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  • How to Check Divisibility by 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16

    How to Check Divisibility by 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16

    In this post you will learn how to check divisibility of a number by 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16. After learning divisibility rules of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16, you will be able to determine quickly, whether a certain number is divisible by a certain number (divisor) or not. For different divisors, the rules are different. Read them one by one and practice them as per exercise given. After a little practice you will be able to memorize all the rules.

    Read – 10 Medical Specialist Titles You Must Know

    How to check divisibility by 8

    Rule: It the last 3 digit of a number is divisible by 8, the number will be divisible by 8. If the last 3 digit of a number is 000 the number will be divisible by 8.

    For example the last 3 digits of number number 134800 which are 800 is divisible by 8. Hence, the number 134800 will be divisible by 8. Similarly number 2000, 5000, 9000 shall be divisible by 8 because the last 3 digits of these numbers are 000.

    Exercise: Check the divisibility of 123453, 5467854, 123120 by 8.

    Read – भारत में नदियों के किनारे बसे शहर/ Nadiyon ke Kinare base Sahar

    How to check divisibility by 9

    Rule: If the sum of all digits of a number is divisible by 9, the number will divisible by 9.

    For example the number 31293 is divisible by 9 because the sum of all its digits 18 (3+1+2+9+3=15) is divisible by 9.

    Exercise: Check the divisibility of 123453, 654435, 5467854, 123120 by 9.

    Divisibility rule of 10

    Rule: Any number which ends with 0(zero) will be divisible by 10.

    For example numbers 340, 23, 450 shall be divisible by 10.

    Exercise: Check whether 456, 340, 453 are divisible by 10 or not.

    Read – Oceans Name in Hindi and English with Area

    Divisibility rule of 11

    Rule: For any number, if the sum of digits at odd and even places are equal then the number will be divisible by 11. If the difference of sum of digits at odd and even places is divisible by 11 then also the number will be divisible by 11.

    Example: Check the divisibility of 1345675 by 11. Sum of digits at odd place is 15 (1+3+6+5) and the sum of digits at even places are 15 (3+5+7). Since both the sum are equal the number 1345675 is divisible by 11.

    Example: Check whether 9487456 is divisible by 11 or not. Sum of odd digit=27, Sum of even digit=16, Difference of sum at odd and even = 11. Since the difference 11 is divisible by 11 the number 9487456 will be divisible by 11.

    Exercise: Check the divisibility of 12438473, 363523454, 849727291658 by 11.

    How to check divisibility by 12

    If any number is divisible by 3 and 4 both, the number will also be divisible by 12. Read how to check divisibility by 3 and 4.

    For example, the number 144 is divisible is 3 and 4 both. Hence the 144 is divisible 12.

    Exercise: Check the divisibility of 4567524 and 4523464 by 12.

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    How to check divisibility by 15

    Any number which is divisible by 3 and 5 both, the number is also divisible by 15. Read divisibility rule of 3 and 5.

    For example, the 255 is divisible by both 3 and 5, hence it is also divisible by 15.

    Exercise: Check divisibility of 3468, 345275, 98670 by 15.

    Divisibility rule of 16

    If last 4 digit of a number is divisible by 16, the number is also divisible by 16.

    For example, last 4 digit of 725520 is divisible by 16. Hence, the number is also divisible by 16.

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