Essay writing is very essential for developing writing and comprehension skills in Kids. Now a days Essay Writing has started for Kids from early classes. In this post read a Short Essay on Cow for Kids and 10 Lines on Cow.
Read – पहाड़े 1 से 10 तक – Tables 1 to 10
The Cow – Short Essay for Kids
Cow is a four legged domestic animal. She has a pair of horns on her head. She also has a long tail and big ears. Cow is a very gentle animal. She is found in many colours like white, brown, black etc. Cow eats grass, straw, fodder and corn.
She gives us milk. It is nourishing for all. Butter, curd and ghee are made from her milk. Her dung is useful as fuel. It is a a very good manure. Cow male is ox. The ox ploughs our fields. Ox also do other labor works related to agriculture. Cow is useful to us in many ways. Hindus worship her and call her Gau Mata.
Cow is found in almost all parts of the world. The European people better fed and looked after their cows. They give more milk than Indian cows.
Read – बाल दिवस पर 10 लाइन – 10 Lines on Children’s Day
10 Lines on Cow for Kids
1. Cow is a domestic animal. She is a very gentle animal
2. Cow is found in almost all parts of the world.
3. She has a four legs, two horn, a long tail and big ears.
4. She is found in many colours like white, brown, black etc.
5. She eats grass, straw, fodder and corn.
6. She gives us milk. Butter, curd and ghee are made from her milk.
7. Her dung is useful as a fuel. It is a a very good manure.
8. Cow male is ox. The ox ploughs our fields and also do other labor works related to agriculture.
9. Cow is useful to us in many ways.
10. Hindus worship cow and call her Gau Mata.
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