Tag: TET

  • विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के विभिन्न प्रकार के घर Different Type of Houses

    image source pexel

    मनुष्य के घरों का रूप समय एवं भौगोलिक स्थिति के अनुसार बदलता रहता है। इस पोस्ट में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के विभिन्न प्रकार के घर Different Type of Houses के बारे में बताया गया है ।

    विभिन्न प्रकार के घर

    मिट्टी के घर

    • मिट्टी के घर सामान्यत: गांवों में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • ऐसे घर उन जगहों पर भी पाये जाते हैं, जहां गर्मी ज्यादा होती है, जैसे राजस्थान
    • मिट्टी के घरों की दीवारें मोटी होती है जिससे गर्मी अंदर ना जा सके।
    • ऐसे घरों की छत झाड़ियों या छप्पर की बनी होती है ।
    • इन घरों की मिट्टी को मजबूत बनाने के लिए, मिट्टी में भूसा मिलाया जाता है ।
    • ऐसे घरों को मिट्टी से लीपा जाता है, जिससे मिट्टी टूटे नहीं ।
    • इन घरों के फर्श को गोबर से लीपा जाता है, ताकि कीड़े ना आयें ।

    लकड़ी / बाँस के घर

    • बाँस या लकड़ी के घर उन जगहों पर बनाए जाते हैं, जहां बारिश बहुत होती है ।
    • ये जमीन से दस-बारह फुट ऊँचे बाँस के मज़बत खंभों पर बनाए जाते हैं , ताकि बाढ़ आने पर घर को कोई नुकसान न हो ।

    Read Birds and their Specific Features – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    पत्थर के घर

    • ऐसे घर पहाड़ी इलाके में बनाए जाते हैं ।
    • ऐसी जगहों पर बारिश भी होती है और बर्फ भी पड़ती है ।
    • ऐसे घरों की छत ढलवा होती है, जिससे बारिश का पानी या बर्फ नीचे गिर जाये ।
    • कीड़ों से बचाने के लिए, इन घरों पर चूने की पुताई होती है ।
    • ये घर एक से दो मंजिल के होते हैं ।
    • ऐसे घर लद्दाख, जम्मू-कश्मीर, हिमाचल प्रदेश में पाये जाते हैं ।

    ईंट के मकान

    • ऐसे घर समतल क्षेत्रों (मैदीनी भागों) में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • ये घर एक मंजिली भी होते हैं और बहुमंजिली भी ।

    बर्फ के घर / इग्लू

    • बर्फ के घर, बर्फीले क्षेत्रों में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • इन घरों को इग्लू भी कहते हैं ।
    • ये घर बर्फ के ब्लोक्स को जोड़कर बनाए जाते हैं ।
    • ये गुंबद के आकार के होते हैं ।
    • इन घरों के दरवाजे छोटे होते हैं, ताकि बर्फीली हवाएँ अंदर ना आ सकें ।
    • ये घर एस्कीमो शिकारियों का अस्थायी घर होते हैं ।


    • यह लकड़ी का घर होता है, जो हमेशा पानी में रहता है ।
    • इन घरों पर खूबसूरत नक्काशी होती है ।
    • ये पर्यटकों के लिए होते हैं ।
    • हाउसबोट 80 फीट तक लंबे होते हैं ।
    • ये कश्मीर और केरल में पाये जाते हैं ।
    • कश्मीर के हाउसबोट की छतों पर लकड़ी की नक्काशी को खतमबंद कहते हैं ।


    • ये कश्मीर में पाये जाने वाले बिना नक्काशी के हाउसबोट होते हैं ।
    • ये स्थानीय लोगों द्वारा रहने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं ।
    • इनमें अलग अलग कमरे होते हैं ।


    • यह एक अस्थायी निवास है ।
    • यह अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में अलग अलग चीजों से बनता है ।
    • गरीब लोग शहरों में प्लास्टिक का टेंट लगाते हैं ।
    • कुछ जगहों पर कपड़ों के टेंट का भी उपयोग होता है ।
    • पर्वतारोहियों के टेंट दो लेयर वाली प्लास्टिक से बने होते हैं , ताकि ठंड ना लगे ।
    • लद्दाख के चांगपा जनजाति के लोग याक के बालों की पट्टियों से टेंट बनाते हैं । इन टेंटों को रेबो कहते हैं।

    हवेली / महल / किले

    • इन का निर्माण राजा महाराजा या अमीर लोग करवाया करते थे ।
    • ये बहुत बड़े होते हैं।
    • इनमें बहुत सारे कमरे होते हैं।
    • इनकी छतों , दीवारों, खंभों पर खूनसूरत नक्काशियाँ होती हैं।
    • इनमें पत्थरों और लकड़ियों का बहुत उपयोग होता है ।

    आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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  • Birds and their Specific Features – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    image source pexels.com

    Dear readers, in this post Birds and their specific features for environmental studies are given. Birds have feathers, toothless beaked jaws, a four-chambered heart. They breathe through lungs like reptiles, fishes and amphibian. Their boat shaped body, hollow bones wings, feathers help them in flying. They have high metabolic rate and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. They also possess invisible hair and reproduces by Oviparous method (laying of eggs). Examples are parrot, sparrow, pigeon, eagle etc.

    Birds sits on the branches of trees. It’s claws are made so that it helps in grasping the branches of trees.

    Birds have fixed eye position, they rotate their neck in order to see in different direction. Among all the birds Owls can rotate their neck nearly upto 360 degree but myna can move its neck back and front with jerk.

    Birds can see at different direction at a time as they have eyes on the left and right side of the face.

    Also read – Animals and their special characteristics – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    Specific Features of some Birds

    • Some special birds like kites, vulture, eagles can see things four time more than humans.
    • Owl, raccoon birds can see only black and white colors.
    • The Ostrich is the largest bird in the world. It also lays the largest eggs and has the faster maximum running speed of nearly 97 kph.
    • The chicken is the most common species of bird found in the world.
    • The Bee Humming bird is the smallest living bird in the world,with a length of just 5 cm.
    • The humming birds can fly backwards.
    BirdsSpecial Characteristics
    Owl, MynaNeck Rotation
    Eagle, Kite, VultureSharp eyesight
    PeacockOmnivorous bird
    Penguin and EmuWithout flight birds

    Also read – Stages of Child Development for CTET and other TET

    CrowOn highest tree
    BulbulsIn bushes
    RobinSoft grasses, fibers, yarn, cotton etc
    Koel (Cuckoo)Lays its egg in the nest of crow
    Baya weaver (Soan chidiya)Make hanging nest
    Weaver birdWeave the nest
    WoodpeckerMake their nest in the bark of tree

    Special Characteristics of Peacock

    image source pexels.com
    • The peacock is the National bird of India.
    • Peacock posses unique anatomy which makes them beautiful birds.
    • Peacocks are omnivorous birds, and they mainly eat plants, fruits, seeds, flower petals, ants,insect, and other scraps in the gardens and forests.
    • Grains are the most common food of peacocks.
    • Peacock also eat small reptiles, such as young cobra snakes, amphibians, butterflies, chicken, flies and mice vole.

    Brood Parasite

    These are organisms that rely on the others  to raise their Chick . Brood parasitism is a habit of a bird, which does not make its own nest, lays eggs in other bird’s nest secretly and relies on the host bird to raise the chick.  Koel is a brood parasite over crow for development and hatching of its eggs.

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    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

  • Animals and their special characteristics – Environmental Studies (EVS)

    image source pexels.com

    There are various types of animals in the world. Some animals have their special characteristics. Animals and their characteristics are given below in this post. These animals characteristics are important for competitive examinations like CTET, UPTET, TET, KVS etc.

    1 – Elephant

    image source pexels.com

    Elephants is herbivorous (feed on plants) animal. One elephant can eat 300 pounds (136 kg) of food in one day. They drinks about 2 gallons(7.5 litres) of water at  a time. Elephants sleep and rest less to maintain body temperature. They have large ear flaps which help to control their body temperature. Elephant trunk is elongated nose and upper lip.

    Female tend to live in family groups. Leader of group is the oldest female elephant. Male leaves their family group when they reach puberty. Calves are the centre of attention in their family group and rely on their mother for as long as 3 years. Their life span is about 70 years.

    2 – Chimpanzee

    Chimpanzee is a very clever animal. They live in groups of 3 to 80 members. Elder male is the leader of the group. Their life span is about 50 years.

    3 – Giraffe

    image source pexels.com

    Giraffe is tallest mammal of the earth. Their height is about 5 meter. They sleep for very less time (2 hrs in 24 hrs). They can eat around 25 kg leaf in a day. Their life span is about 25 years.

    4 – Whale

    Blue whale is the largest animal of earth. They are mammals. Their life span is about 90 years.

    5 – Earthworm

    An earthworm is a tube shaped segmented worm. They live in soil. They feed live and dead organic matter. Earthworm improve soil fertility by converting large organic matter into rich humus. Hence they are also considered farmers’s friend. Earthworms are useful in making vermicompost also. Their life span is about 8 years.

    Read – UPTET Previous Years Idioms and Phrases Questions

    6 – Dolphin

    Dolphins are mammals. Dolphin live in social groups of 5 to several hundred members. They use echolocation to find prey and communicate with each other in water. Gangetic dolphin is national water animal of India and it is said to represent the purity of holy Ganga river as it can only survive in pure and fresh water. Their life span is about 25 years.

    7 – Tiger

    Tiger is known as king of the forest. Tiger may  consume upto 40 kg (88 pond) of  meat at one time. It has two times more sight capacity than humans in night. For hearing they can move their ears in different direction. Their roar can be hear  upto 3 kms. Their life span is about 26 years.

    8 – Rhinoceros

    image source pexels.com

    Rhinoceros is second longest terrestrial animal after elephant. Rhinoceros are herbivorous (feed on plants). Their weight may be 1000 kg. They have around 1 ½ cm thick skin. They have one horn on nose hence called as rhino. Their life span is about 50 years.

    9 – Sloth

    Sloth are mammals which looks like beer. Sloth are nocturnal (active at night) animal. They sleep around 17 hrs in day time. They are good swimmer and their life span is about 25 years.

    Sloth make very good habitat for other organisms and a single may be home several species of moths, beetles, cockroaches, fungi and algae.

    Also read – Animals under Environmental Studies (EVS)

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    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

  • UPTET Previous Years One Word Substitution Questions

    Previous Years Questions

    Dear readers, in this post UPTET Previous Years One Word Substitution Questions are given. These are important One Word Substitution questions for UPTET, CTET and other TET exams.

    UPTET Previous Years One Word Substitution Questions

    1- Choose one word for the expression. “A lover of mankind”.
    a) Theist
    b) Veteran
    c) Philanthropist
    d) Omnipotent

    2- Life history of a man written by himself is called.
    a) Bibliography
    b) Calligraphy
    c) Biography
    d) Autobiography

    3- Government by a single person.
    a) Monarchy
    b) Autocracy
    c) Plutocracy
    d) Aristocracy

    4- A man whop is womanish in his habits.
    a) Feminist
    b) Philologist
    c) Effeminate
    d) Philanderer

    5- Choose one word substitution for the underlined part of the sentence given below:
    Successful person always look to the brighter side of the life.
    a) Pessimistic
    b) Optimistic
    c) Hopeful
    d) Careful

    Also read – Important Synonyms for CTET UPTET and other exams

    6- Give one word for the given definition.
    One who writes stories and new for a newspaper.
    a) Draftsman
    b) Herbalist
    c) Copywriter
    d) Correspondent

    7- Select the most appropriate meaning of the given word.
    a) Incapable of being reached
    b) Incapable of being believed
    c) Incapable of being imitated
    d) A list of goods

    8- Choose the correct meaning of the given word.
    a) Act of spying
    b) To free from blame
    c) Likeness of a person
    d) A study of the origin of words

    9- He is the person who hates all mankind.
    a) Misogynist
    b) Monogamist
    c) Philanthropist
    d) Misanthrope

    10- A child born after the death of his father.
    a) Pessimist
    b) Posthumous
    c) Pacifist
    d) Orphan

    Also read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    Answers of above UPTET Previous Years One Word Substitution Questions

    1(c), 2(d), 3(b), 4(c), 5(b), 6(d), 7(c), 8(d), 9(d), 10(b)

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    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

  • UPTET Previous Years Idioms and Phrases Questions

    Previous Years Questions

    Dear readers, in this post UPTET Previous Years Idioms and Phrases Questions are given. These are important idioms and phrases questions for UPTET, CTET and other TET exams.

    Previous Years Idioms & Phrases Questions for UPTET

    1- Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom “Burning question”.
    a) A dying issue
    b) A relevant problem
    c) An irrelevant issue
    d) A widely debated issue

    2- Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the phrase/idiom.
    The little girl with her flawless performance stole the show.
    a) disappeared from the show
    b) crept into the show
    c) stole something from the show
    d) won everybody’s praise

    3- Fill in the blank with the correct idiom.
    I…………… of Rama at the theater but she did not see me.
    a) held a glimpse
    b) threw a glimpse
    c) wanted a glimpse
    d) caught a glimpse

    4- Select appropriate alternative which best expresses the meaning of the following phrase.
    To beat the air
    a) To make frantic effort
    b) To make effort that are useless or vain
    c) To act foolishly
    d) To make every possible effort

    5- Choose appropriate meaning of the idiom italicized in the sentence: The speaker gave a bird’s eye view of the political condition of the country.
    a) a detailed presentation
    b) a biased view
    c) a general view
    d) a personal view

    Also read – Important Synonyms for CTET UPTET and other exams

    6- Choose the correct meaning of the following phrase.
    To bring to light
    a) To reveal
    b) To conceal
    c) To appeal
    d) To praise

    7- Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
    A bird of passage.
    a) A person of great importance
    b) An evil person
    c) A person who travels widely
    d) A weak person

    8- Choose the correct meaning of the following phrase.
    Beck and call.
    a) Came to nothing
    b) Under absolute control
    c) Under all conditions
    d) To rebuke

    9- Choose appropriate meaning of the idiom italicized in the sentence: He frequently goes back on his words.
    a) repeats the words
    b) confuses others
    c) stumbles
    d) breaks his promises

    10- Choose appropriate meaning of the idiom italicized in the sentence: I cannot put up with that nasty fellow.
    a) appreciate
    b) endure
    c) control
    d) forgive

    Also read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

    Answers of above UPTET Previous Years Idioms and Phrases Questions

    1(d), 2(d), 3(d), 4(b), 5(c), 6(a), 7(c), 8(b), 9(c), 10(c)

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    Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

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