Environmental Studies

30 Important EVS Questions for TET in Hindi

CTET, UPTET और दूसरे स्टेट TET exams में EVS से भोजन, स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता से अक्सर प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं । इस पोस्ट में भोजन, स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता से पूछे गए 30 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न (30 Important EVS Questions in Hindi) बताए गए हैं।

30 Important Previous Years Important EVS Questions in Hindi

1- कुनेन नामक दवाई प्राप्त होती है
a) नीलगिरि के पौधे से
b) एकोनाइट के पौधे से
c) सिनकोना के पौधे से
d) जलीय पौधे से

2- वायरस (विषाणु) संक्रमण से होने वाला रोग है:
a) टाइफाइड
b) हैजा
c) जुकाम
d) मलेरिया

3- क्वाशियोरकर नाम का रोग ….. की कमी से होता है:
a) कार्बोहाइड्रेट
b) प्रोटीन
c) विटामिन
d) आयोडीन

4- किस विटामिन की कमी से रक्त का थक्का नहीं जमता है?
a) K
b) B
c) D
d) A

5- निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा अलग समूह से संबन्धित है?
a) स्कर्वी
b) रिकेट्स
c) रतोंधी
d) रेबीज

Read – Parts of Speech

6- विटामिन C की कमी से होने वाली बीमारी का क्या नाम है?
a) स्कर्वी
b) बेरी-बेरी
c) रतौंधी
d) थकान

7- कौन-सी बीमारी दूषित जल पीने से होती है?
a) एड्स
b) टायफाइड
c) एनीमिया
d) टिटनस

8- दूध का पाष्चुरीकरण कैसे किया जाता है?
a) 100⁰C पर 15 मिनट तक या 90⁰C पर 5 मिनट तक गर्म करके
b) 100⁰C पर 15 मिनट तक या 90⁰C पर 32 मिनट तक गर्म करके
c) 71⁰C पर 15 मिनट तक या 62⁰C पर 5 सेकंड तक गर्म करके
d) 71⁰C पर 15 सेकंड तक या 62⁰C पर 32 मिनट तक गर्म करके

9- डेंगू रोग का वाहक है
a) एडीज़ मच्छर
b) क्यूलेक्स मच्छर
c) घरेलू मक्खी
d) एनाफिलीज़ मच्छर

10- प्रोटीन का सर्वोत्क्रष्ट स्रोत है
a) दूध
b) मांस
c) सोयाबीन
d) अंडा

11- अन्य म्रत जंतुओं पर निर्वाह करने वाले प्राणी को कहते हैं
a) पैरासाइट
b) डीकम्पोजर
c) स्क्वेंजर
d) ओम्नीवोर

12- इनमें से कौन सा जैव अपघट्य पदार्थ है?
a) प्लास्टिक
b) पोलिथीन
c) सीसा
d) इनमें से कोई नहीं

13- चूहों के द्वारा फैलने वाला रोग है
a) चेचक
b) मलेरिया
c) प्लेग
d) तपेदिक

14- पोलियो का कारण है
a) जीवाणु
b) विषाणु
c) कवक
d) कीट

15- जल जनित रोग है
a) अतिसार
b) छोटी माता
c) रक्ताल्पता
d) मस्तिष्क ज्वर

16- निम्न में से कौन बीज नहीं है ?
a) गेहूं
b) काली मिर्च
c) साबूदाना
d) सौंफ

17- मच्छरों के प्रजनन की रोकथाम के लिए ठहरे पानी पर तेल डालने की सलाह दी जाती है? ऐसे इसलिए है, क्योंकि
a) मच्छर तेल की सतह में फस जाते हैं
b) तेल आक्सीजन की आपूर्ती को काट देता है, जिससे मच्छरों का प्रजनन रुक जाता है
c) मच्छरों को तेल द्वारा विकर्षित किया जाता है
d) मच्छर तेल द्वारा मर जाते हैं

18- निम्न में से कौन सी बीमारी रुके या इकट्ठा हुए पानी से हो सकती है ?
a) मलेरिया
b) पोलियो
c) निमोनिया
d) चेचक

19- इस पौधे में पत्तियाँ हैं, जिन्हें सब्जी की तरह प्रयोग में लाया जाता है। इसके बीजों से तेल प्राप्त किया जाता है। यह पौधा है:
a) सरसों
b) पालक
c) नारियल
d) बंदगोभी

20- कोई डाक्टर एक मरीज को खाने के लिए कुछ दवाइयाँ लिखता है और साथ ही गुड़, आंवला और हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ खाने का सुझाव देता है। यह मरीज किस रोग से पीड़ित होना चाहिए?
a) मलेरिया
b) एनीमिया
c) बुखार
d) मियादी बुखार

21- निम्नलिखित में से रोगों का वह समूह चुनिये, जो मच्छरों से फैलता है:
a) मलेरिया, डेंगू, हैजा
b) मलेरिया, चिकनगुनिया, मियादी बुखार
c) डेंगू, मलेरिया, चिकनगुनिया
d) मलेरिया, हैजा, मियादी बुखार

22- यदि आप रेलगाड़ी से अहमदाबाद (गुजरात) जाएँ, तो आपको रेलवे स्टेशन पर अधिकतर बेचने वाले खाने की कौन सी चीजें बेचते मिलेंगे?
a) ढोकला, चटनी, नींबू वाले चावल
b) छोले भटूरे तथा लस्सी
c) इडली चटनी तथा वड़ा चटनी
d) पूरी-साग तथा ठंडा दूध

23- पसंद-नापसंद के बारे में चर्चा करते हुए किसी छात्र ने कहा, “मुझे और मेरे माँ दोनों को साँप खाना बहुत पसंद है। जब भी हमारी साँप खाने की इच्छा होती है, हम पास के किसी होटल में जाकर लिंग-हू-फेन खाते हैं।” यह छात्र कहाँ का हो सकता है?
a) असम
b) हांग-कांग
c) ओडिशा
d) अरूणाचल प्रदेश

24- पके हुए चावल रेफ्रीजरेटर में अपेक्षाक्र्त लंबे समय तक परिरक्षित किए जा सकते हैं, क्योंकि?
a) कम तापमान पर रोगाणु निष्क्रिय हो जाते हैं
b) रोगाणु कम तापमान पर नष्ट हो जाते हैं
c) कम तापमान पर भोजन का तत्व घाट जाता है
d) रेफ्रीजरेटर में कुछ ऐसे रसायन होते हैं, जो रोगाणुयों को नष्ट कर देते हैं

25- रक्त की जांच द्वारा किसकी उपस्थिति से मलेरिया की पहचान होती है?
a) रक्त में क्षतिग्रस्त यक्र्त कोशिकाएं
b) रक्त में मच्छर के लार्वे
c) लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं में मच्छर के अंडे
d) लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं में मलेरिया परजीवी

26- निम्न में से भोजन बनाने का कौन सा तरीका अच्छा है?
a) सब्जियों को अच्छी तरह से धोना और फिर काटना
b) सब्जियों को काटना और तब उन्हें चलते पानी में धोना
c) सब्जियों को काटने और पकाने से पहले उन्हें कुछ समय के लिए धूप में रखना
d) बेक्टेरिया नष्ट करने के लिए सब्जियों को गहरे तलते हुए पकाना

27- भारोत्तोलकों को प्रायः ज्यादा मांसपेशियाँ और बॉडी मास बनाने की आवश्यकता होती है, इस उद्येश्य के लिए, उन्हें ऐसा आहार लेने की आवश्यकता है जो ….. से भरपूर हो:
a) प्रोटीन
b) कार्बोहाइड्रेड
c) वसा
d) विटामिन

28- निम्नलिखित में से हमारे देश के किस राज्य के अधिकतर लोग नारियल के तेल में पकी हुई समुद्री मछली खाना पसंद करते हैं?
a) बिहार
b) मिजोरम
c) गोवा
d) जम्मू और कश्मीर

29- निम्नलिखित में से उस समूह को चुनिये, जिसमें खाना पकाने के तरीके दिये हैं
a) तलकर, भिगोकर, भूनकर
b) सेंककर, तलकर, भूनकर
c) उबालकर, गूँथकर, भूनकर
d) सेंककर, उबालकर, बेलकर

30- निदान के पश्चात कोई डाक्टर रोगी से यह कहता है कि उसके खून में “हीमोग्लोबिन” की कमी है, तो उस रोगी को आयरन की कमी को पूरा करने के लिए क्या-क्या खाना चाहिए?
a) चावल, चीनी, आंवला
b) हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ, गेहूं, संतरा
c) गुड़, नींबू, मटर
d) आंवला, हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ, गुड़

Answers of above Important Previous Years EVS Questions for CTET, UPTET and Other TET

1(c), 2(c), 3(b), 4(a), 5(d), 6(a), 7(b), 8(d), 9(a), 10(c), 11(c), 12(d), 13(c), 14(b), 15(a), 16(c), 17(b), 18(a), 19(a), 20(b), 21(c), 22(a), 23(b), 24(a), 25(c), 26(a), 27(a), 28(c), 29(b), 30(d)

आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

General Awareness

Famous National Parks of India and their Rare Species

Wildlife conservation is to protect wild plant and animal species and their habitats. For wildlife conservation, there are 166 national parks and 515 wildlife sanctuaries in India. Following are some famous national parks of India with rare species of national parks.

Famous National Parks of India & their Rare Species

1. Manas National Park

State: Asom
Rare Species: Tiger, Panther, Elephant

2. Kaziranga National Park

State: Asom
Rare Species: One horned Rhinoceros

3. Keibul Lamjao National Park

State: Manipur
Rare Species: Tiger, Panther, Cheetal, Sangai, Gaur

4. Gir National Park

State: Gujarat
Rare Species: Gir Lion, Tiger, Gaur, Panther

5. Maru Sanctuary

State: Rajasthan
Rare Species: Panther, Guar, Leopard

6. Kanchenjunga National Park

State: Sikkim
Rare Species: Tiger, Panther, White Spoonbill

7. Simlipal National Park

State: Odisha
Rare Species: Tiger, Elephant, Leopard

8. Bhitarkanika National Park

State: Odisha
Rare Species: Tiger, Wild Boar, Leopard, Gaur

9. Dachigam National Park

State: J&K
Rare Species: Kashmiri Stag, Hangual

10. Dudhwa National Park

State: UP
Rare Species: Panther, Tiger, Nil Gai

Read – Vedic Method of Quick Multiplication by Twin Number

11. Keoladeo Ghana National Park

State: Rajasthan
Rare Species: Tiger, Panther, Leopard, Gaur

12. Pin Valley National Park

State: Himachal Pradesh
Rare Species: Chinkara, Sauraus, Gane

13. Jim Corbett National Park

State: Uttarakhand
Rare Species: Panda, Gaur, Tiger, Elephant

Read – Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning

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Child Development and Pedagogy

Previous Year Questions on Learning Disabilities for TET

Previous Years Questions

Dear readers, in this post CTET Previous Year Questions on Learning Disabilities under CDP are given. These are important CDP Learning Disabilities questions for other CTET, UPTET and other TET exams as well. Answers of these questions are given in the last of the post.

Previous Year CDP Questions on Learning Disabilities

1- Which of the following is the most appropriate method to monitor the progress of children with learning disabilities?
a) Case-study
b) Anecdotal records
c) Behaviour-rating sale
d) Structured behavioural observation

2- Learning disabilities in Mathematics can be assessed most appropriately by which of the following tests?
a) Aptitude test
b) Diagnostic test
c) Screening test
d) Achievement test

3- A child with normal intelligence shows difficulty in reading and comprehending language. It indicates that the child is showing symptoms of
a) dysgraphia
b) dyscalculia
c) dispraxia
d) dyslexia

4- Children with learning disabilities
a) have confusion between letters and alphabets that look alike
b) easily recognize and comprehend sight words
c) have retarded mental development
d) have low IQ

5- Which of these is a characteristic of a child with learning disability?
a) An IQ below 50
b) Difficulty in reading fluently and reversing words
c) Bullying other children and engaging in aggressive acts
d) Doing the same motor action repeatedly

Also read – UPTET Previous Years One Word Substitution Questions

6- Difficulty in recalling sequence of letters in words and frequent loss of visual memory is associated with
a) dyslexia
b) dyscalculia
c) disgraphia
d) dyspraxia

7- A child with hearing impairment?
a) will not benefit from academic education only and should be given vocational training instead
b) can do very well in a regular school if suitable facilities and resources are provided
c) will never be able to perform at par with with classmates in a regular school
d) school be sent only to a school for the hearing impaired and not to a regular school

8- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Dyslexia?
a) Problems with reading accuracy, speed and comprehension
b) Certainty as to right or left handedness
c) Slow rate of writing
d) Difficulty in learning and remembering printed words

9- A child who can see partially
a) Should be put in a ‘regular’ school with no special provisions
b) Should not be given education, since it is not of any use to him
c) Needs to be put in a separate institution
d) Should be put in a ‘regular’ school while making special provisions

10- Children with learning disability
a) cannot learn anything
b) struggle with some aspects of learning
c) are very active, but have a low IQ
d) are very wise and mature

Also read – Important Synonyms for CTET UPTET and other exams

11- Stuttering problems in students can be dealt by applying which of the following methods?
a) Pragmatic speech
b) Protracted speech
c) Dictated speech
d) Prolonged speech

12- A disorder related to language comprehension is
a) apraxia
b) dyslexia
c) aspeechxia
d) aphasia

13- If there is a learning disabled child in your class, then what will you do?
a) Do not pay any attention to him
b) Try to find out his/her type of disability and make efforts to teach him
c) Take his extra classes
d) Make his/her sitting arrangement with intelligent students

14- Learning disabilities
a) are also present in children with average or above average IQ
b) are not immutable irrespective of time and nature of interventions
c) objective facts and culture have no role in determining them
d) are synonymous with dyslexia

15- The cause of learned helplessness in children is their
a) acquired behaviour that they will not succeed
b) callous attitude towards classroom activities
c) non-compliance with expectations of their parents
d) moral decision for not taking up studies seriously

Also read – Animals under Environmental Studies (EVS)

16- Following are the examples of development disorder, except
a) autism
b) cerebral palsy
c) post-traumatic stress
d) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

17- When a child with disability first comes to school, the teacher should
a) conduct an admission test
b) refer the child to a special school according to the disability
c) seclude him from other students
d) discuss with the child’s parents to evolve collaborative plans

18- Centrally sponsored scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children aims at providing educational opportunities to children with disabilities in
a) special schools
b) open schools
c) blind relief association school
d) regular schools

19- A student is aggressive in his behaviour towards his peer group and does not conform to the norms of the school, this student needs help in
a) effective domain
b) higher order thinking skills
c) cognitive domain
d) psychomotor domain

20- Learning disabilities may occur due to all of he following except?
a) cultural factors
b) cerebral dysfunction
c) emotional disturbance
d) behavioural disturbance

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21- Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners? Difficulty in
a) reading speed and fluency
b) understanding words and ideas
c) spelling consistency
d) letter and word recognition

22- Learning disability
a) does not improve with appropriate input
b) is a stable state
c) is a variable state
d) need not impair functioning

23- The major frustration that children with hearing loss face in the classroom is
a) the inability to communicate or share information with others
b) the inability to take examinations with other students
c) the inability to read the prescribed textbook
d) the inability to participate in sports and games

24- Learning disability in motor skills is called
a) dysphasia
b) dysypraxia
c) dyscalculia
d) dyslexia

25- ‘Dyslexia’ is associated with
a) mental disorder
b) mathematical disorder
c) reading disorder
d) behavioural disorder

Also read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

26- Learning disabilities are generally found
a) more often in boys as compared to girls
b) more often in children belonging to rural areas as compared to urban areas
c) in specially those children whose paternal relatives have such problems
d) in children with average to superior IQs

27- A student of V-grade with ‘visual deficiency’ should be
a) excused to do a lower level of work
b) helped with his/her routine-work by parents and friends
c) treated normally in the classroom and provided support through audio CDs
d) given special treatment in the classroom

28- Orthopedically impaired children are likely to have
a) dyscalculia
b) dyslexia
c) dysgraphia
d) dysthymia

29- Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except
a) teacher’s way of teaching
b) pre-natal use of alcohol
c) mental retardation
d) meningitis during infancy

30- Deficiency in the ability to write, associated with impaired handwriting, is a symptom of
a) dysgraphia
b) dyspraxia
c) dyscalculia
d) dyslexia

Also read – Learning Disabilities – for CTET and other TET Exams

Answers of above Previous Year Questions on Learning Disabilities for CTET, UPTET and Other TET

1(d), 2(b), 3(d), 4(a), 5(b), 6(a), 7(b), 8(b), 9(d), 10(b), 11(d), 12(d), 13(b), 14(a), 15(a), 16(c), 17(d), 18(d), 19(a), 20(a), 21(b), 22(c), 23(a), 24(b), 25(c), 26(c), 27(c), 28(c), 29(a), 30(a)

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Check Complete List – Competitive Exam Preparation

General Awareness

Biology Questions for Competitive Exams

Dear readers, following are some important biology questions for competitive exams like SSC, CTET, UPTET etc. Practice them for your preparations.

Q 1. Who discovered bacteria?

  1. Robert Hook
  2. Robert Brown
  3. Robert Koch
  4. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Q 2. The branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is known as ?

  1. Cytology
  2. Histology
  3. Psychology
  4. Physiology

Q 3. The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms is

  1. Cell
  2. Tissue
  3. Organ
  4. systems

Q 4. Which among the following is the smallest living cell?

  1. Virus
  2. Yeast
  3. Bacterium
  4. Mycoplasma

Q 5. Which  one of the following is called as the digestive bag in the cell

  1. Lysosome
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Ribosome
  4. Golgi body

Read – विलोम शब्द Vilom Shabd for Competitive Exams

Q 6. A warm blooded animal is?

  1. Snake
  2. Bat
  3. shark
  4. ascorbic

Q 7. Maximum number of ribs are present in

  1. Whale
  2. Rabbit
  3. Snake
  4. cockroach

Q 8. Which of the following has no skeleton at all?

  1. Star Fish
  2. Sponge
  3. Silver Fish
  4. Jelly Fish

Q 9. Cellulose  is the chief constituent of

  1. Cell wall
  2. Cell Membrane
  3. Body wall of insects
  4. Secondary wall of Xylem

Q 10. The element which is the most abundant in the human body is

  1. Oxygen
  2. Carbon
  3. Iron
  4. Nitrogen

Q 11. The enzyme that is present in the saliva of man is

  1. Pepsin
  2. Rennin
  3. Amylase
  4. Trypsin

Q 12. Iodine solution is used to test the presence of

  1. Sugar
  2. Fats
  3. Protein
  4. Starch

Q 13. Which one of the following elements is associated with  teeth disorder?

  1. Chlorine
  2. Fluorine
  3. Bromine
  4. Iodine

Read – पर्यायवाची शब्द – Paryayvachi Shabd for Competitive Exams

Q 14. The study of Visceral organs is

  1. Angiology
  2. Arthrology
  3. Anthrology
  4. Splanchnology

Q 15. Normal fasting blood sugar level per100 mL of blood in man is

  1. 30-50 mg
  2. 50-70 mg
  3. 80-100 mg
  4. 120-140 mg

Q 16. The longest bone in the human body is

  1. Femur
  2. Tibia
  3. Humerus
  4. Ulna

Q 17. Which of the following is correlated with blood pressure?

  1. Liver
  2. Testis
  3. Pancreas
  4. Adrenal

Q 18. The medical term used for the sleeplessness

  1. Insomnia
  2. Somnambulism
  3. Hallicunation
  4. Nyctinuria

Q 19. Pituitary gland is situated in at the

  1. base of the heart
  2. base of the brain
  3. neck
  4. abdomen

Q 20. The study of extinct animals is called

  1. Herpetology
  2. Ornithology
  3. Geology
  4. Palaeontology

Q 21. Study of fossils is called

  1. Autecology
  2. Entomology
  3. Palaeontology
  4. Anthropology

Q 22. The viral disease is

  1. Amoebiasis
  2. Smallpox
  3. Malaria
  4. diptheria

Q 23. The pair of diseases caused by virus is

  1. Rabies and mumps
  2. Typhoid and tetanus
  3. AIDS and syphills
  4. Cholera and tuberculosis

Q 24. One of these is not a viral disease

  1. Leprosy
  2. Polio
  3. Chickenpox
  4. rabies

Q 25. Vaccine for tuberculosis is

  1. PAS Vaccine
  2. OPV
  3. DPT
  4. BCG Vaccine

Q 26. Ringworm is a …….. disease

  1. Viral
  2. Protozoan
  3. Fungal
  4. Bacteria

Q 27. Which of the following diseases usually spread through milk

  1. Cholera
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Jaundice
  4. Tuberculosis

Q 28. Which was the first antibiotic?

  1. Terramycin
  2. Neomycin
  3. Penicillin
  4. streptomycin

Q 29. Widal test is carried out  to test

  1. Malaria
  3. Diabetes mellitus
  4. Typhoid fever

Q 30. Which of the following functions is performed by the kidneys in the human body

  1. Excretion
  2. Respiration
  3. Digestion
  4. transportation

Q 31. Which of the following  carries oxygen to various parts of human body?

  1. White blood cells
  2. Red blood cells
  3. Plasma
  4. nerves

Q 32. Which vitamin is obtained from sun-rays

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin K

Q 33. Polio is caused by

  1. Bacteria
  2. Virus
  3. Protozoan
  4. Fungus

Q 34. Which of the digestive organs  contain acid?

  1. Stomach
  2. Small intestine
  3. Appendix
  4. Colon

Q 35. Molybdenum deficiency affects the activity of

  1. Nitrogenase
  2. Nitrate reductase
  3. Chlorate reductase
  4. All of the above

Q 36. AIDS virus destroys

  1. Monocytes
  2. Neutrophils
  3. Basophils
  4. Lymphocytes

Q 37. Antibodies are mainly  synthesized from

  1. Megakaryocyte
  2. Monocyte
  3. Lymphocyte
  4. histicoyte

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Computer related Abbreviations and their Full Form

Abbreviation Full Form
ACE Access Control Entry
AI Artificial Intelligence
ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
ASCII American Standard Code For Information Interchange
BASIC Beginner`s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BIOS Basic Input Output System
BMP Bitmap
BPS Bytes Per Seconds
CAD Computer Aided Design
CD Compact Disc
CD-RW Compact Disc ReWritable
CDROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
CPU Central Processing Unit
DBMS Data Base Management System
DHTML Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language
DOS Disk Operating System
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ENIAC Electronics Numerical Integrator And Calculator
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EROM Erasable Read Only Memory
FDD Floppy Disk Drive
FIFO First In First Out
FORTRAN Formula Translation
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GB Giga Bytes
GIF Graphic Interchange Format
GUI Graphical User Interface
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IO Input Output
IBM International Business Machines
IC Integrated Circuit
IE Internet Explorer
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Standard Organization
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology

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Abbreviation Full Form
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
KB Kilo Bytes
KBPS Kilo Bytes Per Second
LAN Local Area Network
LIFO Last In First Out
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MB Mega Bytes
MBPS Mega Bytes Per Second
MICR MagneticInk Characters Reader
MODEM Modulator And Demodulator
MP3 Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer 3
MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group
MS Microsoft
MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
MSIIS Microsoft Internet Information Server
MSN Microsoft Network
NCP Network Control Protocol
NIIT National Institute Of Information Technology
OCR Optical Character Readers
OMR Optical Mark Reader
OS Operating System
PC Personal Computer
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDF Portable Document Format
PDL Page Description Language
PILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PNP Plug And Play
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
SAP Systems Applications Products
SQL Structured Query Language
TB Tera Bytes
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCPIP Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
UI User Interface
URL Universal Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
VAN Virtual Area Network
VB Visual Basic
VC++ Visual C++
VCD Video Compact Disc
VLSI Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
VS Visual Studio
WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WORM Write Once Read Many
WWW World Wide Web

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