General Awareness Geography

Oil Refineries in India in Hindi

भारत में 23 ऑयल रिफाइनरी ( oil refineries in India in Hindi )हैं। 23 रिफाइनरी में से 18 रिफाइनरी पब्लिक सेक्टर की, 3 रिफाइनरी प्राइवेट सेक्टर की और 2 रिफाइनरी जाइंट सेक्टर की हैं।

Oil Refineries in India in Hindi

भारत में ऑयल रिफाइनरी

1. पारादीप रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

2. हल्दिया रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

3. पानीपत रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

4. दिगबोई रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

5. गुजरात रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

6. बरौनी रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

7. गुवाहाटी रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

8. मथुरा रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

9. बोंगाईगांव रिफाइनरी (इंडियन ऑयल)

10. मनाली रिफाइनरी (सी पी सी एल)

11. मुंबई रिफाइनरी (हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम)

12. विशाखापत्तनम रिफाइनरी (हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम)

13. मुंबई महौल रिफाइनरी ( बी पी सी एल )

14. नागपट्टनम रिफाइनरी (सी पी सी एल)

15. कोची रिफाइनरी (बी पी सी एल)

16. नुमालीगढ़ रिफाइनरी (एन आर एल)

17. मंगलोर रिफाइनरी (एम. आर. पी. एल.)

18. तातीपाका रिफाइनरी (ओ. एन. जी. सी.)

प्राइवेट सेक्टर रिफाइनरी

19. जामनगर रिफाइनरी – 1 (रिलायंस)

20. जामनगर रिफाइनरी – 2 (रिलायंस)

21. एस्सार रिफाइनरी – (एस्सार)

जाइंट सेक्टर रिफाइनरी

22. बीना रिफाइनरी ( बी पी सी एल – ओमान ऑयल)

23. गुरु गोविंद सिंह रिफाइनरी, भटिंडा ( हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम – मित्तल ऑयल )

आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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General Awareness Geography

भारत के प्रमुख बाँध एवं नदी परियोजनाएँ

इस पोस्ट में भारत के प्रमुख बाँध एवं नदी परियोजनाएँ तथा वे किस नदी और राज्य से संबंधित हैं बताया गया है।

भारत के प्रमुख बाँध एवं नदी परियोजनाएँ

Major River Valley Project in Hindi

इडुक्की परियोजना (Idukki Dam) – पेरियार नदी (Periyar River),केरल (Kerala)

उकाई परियोजना (Ukai Project) – ताप्ती नदी (Tapi river), गुुजरात (Gujarat)

काकड़ापारा परियोजना (Kakrapar Project) – ताप्ती नदी (Tapi river), गुुजरात (Gujarat)

किशनगंगा परियोजना (Kishanganga Project) – किशनगंगा नदी (Chenab River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

कुंडा और पेरियार परियोजना (Kunda and Periyar Project) – तमिलनाडु

कोलडैम परियोजना (Koldam project) – सतलुज नदी – (Sutlej River), हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)

कोसी परियोजना (Kosi Project) – कोसी नदी, बिहार

गंगासागर परियोजना (Ganga Sagar project) – चम्बल नदी (Chambal River), मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh)

चंबल घाटी परियोजना (Chambal Valley Project) – चंबल नदी, राजस्थान

जवाहर सागर परियोजना (Jawahar Sagar Project) – चम्बल नदी (Chambal River), राजस्थान (Rajasthan)

जायकवाड़ी परियोजना (Jayakwadi project ) – गोदावरी नदी (Godavari river), महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)

टिहरी बाँध परियोजना (Tehri Dam Project) – भागीरथी नदी (Bhagirathi River), उत्तराखण्ड (Uttarakhand)

टाटा हैडल (Tata Haidel) – भीमा, महाराष्ट्र

तिलैया परियोजना (Tilaiya Project) – बराकर नदी (Barakar River), झारखंड (Jharkhand)

तुलबुल परियोजना (Tulbul Project) – झेलम नदी (Jhelum River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

तुंगभद्रा – तुंगभद्रा नदी, आंध्र प्रदेश और कर्नाटक

दामोदर घाटी परियोजना – दामोदर नदी, बिहार

दुर्गापुर बैराज परियोजना (Durgapur Barrage Project) – दामोदर नदी (Damodar River), पश्चिम बंगाल (West Bengal)

दुलहस्ती परियोजना (Dul Hasti Project ) – चिनाब नदी (Chenab River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

नागपुर शक्ति गृह परियोजना (Nagpur Power Station Project)
– कोराडी नदी (Koradi River), महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)

नागार्जुनसागर परियोजना (Nagarjuna Sagar Project) – कृष्णा नदी (Krishna River), आन्ध्र प्रदेश (Andhra Pradesh) और तेलंगाना

नाथपा झाकरी परियोजना (Nathpa Jhakri project) – सतलज नदी (Sutlej River), हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)

निजामसागर परियोजना – मंजरा नदी, तेलंगाना

पंचेत बांध (Panchet Dam) – दामोदर नदी (Damodar River), झारखंड (Jharkhand)

पोचम्पाद परियोजना (Pochampad project) – महानदी (Mahanadi), कर्नाटक (Karnataka)

पोंग परियोजना – व्यास नदी, पंजाब

फरक्का परियोजना (Farakka project) – गंगा नदी (Ganges River ), पश्चिम बंगाल (West Bengal)

बगलिहार परियोजना – चिनाब नदी (Chenab River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

बाणसागर परियोजना (Bansagar project) – सोन नदी (Son River)
– मध्य प्रदेश (Madya Pradesh)

भाखड़ा नांगल परियोजना (Bhakra Nangal Project) – सतलज नदी (Sutlej River), पंजाब (Punjab) – (भारत में सबसे ऊंची)

भीमा परियोजना (Bhima Project) – पवना नदी (Pavana River), तेलंगाना (Telangana)

मयूरकाशी परियोजना – मयूरकाशी, पश्चिम बंगाल

माताटीला परियोजना (Matatila project ) – बेतवा नदी (Betwa River)
– उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh)

माही परियोजना – माही नदी, गुजरात

मंडी परियोजना – व्यास नदी, हिमाचल प्रदेश

रिहंद – सोन नदी, उत्तर प्रदेश

रंजीत सागर बांध परियोजना (Ranjit Sagar Dam Project ) – रावी नदी (Ravi River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

राणा प्रताप सागर परियोजना (Rana Pratap Sagar Project ) – चम्बल नदी (Chambal River), राजस्थान (Rajasthan)

सतलज परियोजना (Sutlej Project) – चिनाब नदी (Chenab River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

सरदार सरोवर परियोजना (Sardar Sarovar Project) – नर्मदा नदी (Narmada River), गुुजरात (Gujarat)

सलल परियोजना – चिनाब नदी (Chenab River), जम्मू और कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

सरवथी हैडल परियोजना – जोग प्रपात, कर्नाटक

शिव समुद्रम परियोजना – कावेरी, कर्नाटक (भारत की सबसे पुरानी नदी घाटी परियोजना )

हिडकल परियोजना (Hidkal project) – घाटप्रभा परियोजना (Ghataprabha River), कर्नाटक (Karnataka)

हीराकुंड – महानदी, उड़ीसा

आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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Geography MCQ Exercise for SSC & Other Exams

In this following section of Geography MCQ Exercise for SSC, UPSC, UPPSC and other competitive exams, 30 questions (MCQ) with 4 choices are given. Choose the right answer for each question. Answer of these Geography MCQ are available in the last of this post. Check how many of your answers are correct.

Geography MCQ Exercise for SSC & Other Exams

1- Which of the following region in India is now regarded as an ‘Ecological Hot Spot’
a) Western Himalayas
b) Eastern Himalayas
c) Western Ghats
d) Eastern Ghats

2- Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet.
a) Brahmputra, Indus and Sutlej
b) Ganga, Sutlej and Yamuna
c) Brahmputra, Ganga and Sutlej
d) Chenab, Ravi and Sutle

3- The layer where the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude is totally absent is
a) Troposphere
b) lonosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Mesosphere

4- The most ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in India is
a) The Brahmaputra Valley
b) The Deccan Plateau
c) The Indo-Gangetic Valley
d) The Rann of Kutch

5- Where do the Western and Eastern Ghats meet?
a) Nilgiri hills
b) Cardamom hills
c) Palani hills
d) Annamalai hills

6- The Northern plain of India has been formed by the inter play of the three major river systems, namely the Indus, the Ganga and the
a) Brahmaputra
b) Krishna
c) Kaveri
d) Mahanadi

7- Nag Tiba and Mahabharat ranges are included in
a) Sub-Himalayas
b) Trans-Himalayas
c) Greater Himalayas
d) Lesser Himalayas

8- The burst of monsoons in the month of June brings rain to
a) Kerala and Karnataka
b) Kerala and Southern Coast of Tamil Nadu
c) Kerala, Tamil Nadu and parts of Andhra Pradesh
d) Kerla, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

9- Which one of the following is the correct squence of ecosystem in the order of decreasing productivity
a) Oceans, lakes, grasssland, mangroves
b) Mangroves, oceans, grasslands, lakes
c) Mangroves, grasslands, lakes oceans
d) Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grassland

10- Which of the following wind is blowing from the Mediterranean sea to the North Western parts of India
a) Western disturbances
b) Norwesters
c) Loo
d) Mango showers

Read – भारत में नदियों के किनारे बसे शहर/ Nadiyon ke Kinare base Sahar

11- Japan is called the ‘Land of the rising sun’ because
a) Sun rises there as soon as it sets
b) Sun always remains in the Eastern part of the sky throughout the day in Japan
c) Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise
d) The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan

12- The Northern plain of India has been formed by the inter play of the three major river systems namely-the Indus, the Ganga and the…
a) Brahmputra
b) Krishna
c) Kaveri
d) Mahanadi

13- How does La-Nina affect the Pacific Ocean ?
a) Decreases salinity of ocean
b) Cools downs the temperature of water
c) Maintains stable temperature of water
d) Increases salinity of ocean

14- The Patkai hills belong to which mountain ranges ?
a) Himanchal
b) Purvanchal
c) Himgiri
d) Hindu Kush

15- Which of the following imaginary a lines join places with same level of rainfalls ?
a) Contour lines
b) Isobaths lines
c) Isohyets lines
d) Isobar lines

Geography MCQ Exercise for SSC & Other Exams..

16- What causes wind to deflect toward left in the Southern Hemisphere?
a) Temperature
b) Magnetic field
c) Rotation of the earth
d) Pressure

17- “Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty and the people used to be nomadic herders.” The above statement best describes which of the following regions?
a) African Savannah
b) Central Asian Steppe
c) North American Prairie
d) Siberian Tundra

18- In the South Atlantic and South-Eastern Pacific regions in tropical latitudes, cyclone does not originate. What is the reason?
a) Sea surface temperatures are low
b) Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone seldom occurs
c) Coriolis force is too weak
d) Absence of land in those regions

19- Which one of the following is the characteristic climate of the Tropical Savannah Region?
a) Rainfall throughout the year
b) Rainfall in winter only
c) An extremely short dry season
d) A definite dry and wet season

20- Which one of the following reflects back more sunlight a compared to other three?
a) Sand desert
b) Paddy crop
c) Land covered with fresh snow
d) Prairie land

Read – Safety Tips for Credit Card Usage क्रेडिट कार्ड का सुरक्षित उपयोग

21- In order of their distances from the Sun, which of the following planets lie between Mars and Uranus?
a) Earth and Jupiter
b) Jupiter and Saturn
c) Saturn and Earth
d) Saturn and Neptune

22- On the planet earth, most of the freshwater exists as ice caps and glaciers. Out of the remaining freshwater, the largest proportion
a) is found in atmosphere as moisture and clouds
b) is found in freshwater lakes and rivers
c) exists as groundwater
d) exists as soil moisture

23- The correct sequence of different layers of the atmosphere from the surface of the Earth upwards is
a) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere
b) Stratosphere, Troposphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere
c) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
d) Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere

24- Which one of the following conditions is most relevant for the presence of life on Mars?
a) Atmospheric composition
b) Thermal conditions
c) Occurrence of ice caps and frozen water
d) Occurrence of ozone

25- If the earth’s direction of rotation is reversed, what should be the IST when it is noon at the International Date Line?
a) 06.30 hrs
b) 05.30 hrs
c) 18.30 hrs
d) 17.30 hrs

26- The outermost range of Himalays is called
a) Kali
b) Shiwaliks
c) Dehradun
d) Kumaon

27- Punjab has a large number of inundation canals drawing water from
a) Jhelum river
b) Chenab river
c) Beas river
d) Sutlej river

28- Why does Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats both receive sufficient rainfall but Deccan plateau receives scanty rainfall ?
a) It is a rain shadow area
b) It is located parallel to wind direction
c) It is away from the coast
d) Rain bearing louds are absent

29- The national Highway 1A connects Leh to Kashmir Valley through the ….. pass.
a) Khyber
b) Zoji la
c) Nathula
d) Karakoram

30- Who is known as the ‘Father of Green Revolution’ in India ?
a) G. Paul
b) Norman Borlaug
c) Van Neil
d) Dr. Mitchell

Answers of above Geography MCQ Exercise for SSC & Other Exams

1(c), 2(a), 3(c), 4(b), 5(a), 6(a), 7(d), 8(b), 9(a), 10(b), 11(c), 12(a), 13(b), 14(b), 15(c), 16(b), 17(b), 18(a), 19(d), 20(c), 21(b), 22(c), 23(c), 24(c), 25(a), 26(b), 27(d), 28(a), 29(b), 30(b)

You may use ‘comment section’ below for your valuable comments/feedback.

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महत्वपूर्ण अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेखाएँ International Boundary Lines

प्रिय पाठकों, अगर आप किसी भी प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं तो सामान्य अध्ययन / भूगोल के अंतर्गत अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेखाओं International Boundary Lines की जानकारी होना बहुत जरूरी है। प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की द्रष्टि से कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेखाएं निम्नलिखित हैं।

Read 30 Important Words Meaning in English (Letter ‘A’)

महत्वपूर्ण अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेखाएँ

क्रं. अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेखादेश
149वी समानान्तर रेखा अमेरिका और कनाडा
238वी समानान्तर रेखाउत्तरी कोरिया और दक्षिणी कोरिया
3मैकमोहन रेखा भारत और चीन
4ड्यूरंड रेखा पाकिस्तान और अफगानिस्तान
5रेड्क्लिफ रेखा भारत और पाकिस्तान
6मैनरहीम रेखा फ़िनलेंड और रूस
7मैगीनोट रेखा फ्रांस और जर्मनी
8हिंडनबर्ग रेखा जर्मनी और पोलैंड
9सीज फ्राइड रेखा जर्मनी और फ्रांस
महत्वपूर्ण अंतरराष्ट्रीय रेखाएँ

आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा ? अपने सुझाव और कमेन्ट देने के लिए नीचे दिये गए कमेन्ट सेक्सन का प्रयोग करें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आया तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।

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Previous Year Geography Questions for SSC CGL Exam – Part 1

Previous Years Questions

Dear readers, in this post SSC Previous Year Geography Questions are given. These are important general awareness questions for other competitive exams as well. Answers of these questions are mentioned in the last of the post.

SSC Previous Year Geography Questions

1- India has longest International border with which country?
a) Bhutan
b) Nepal
c) Bangladesh
d) Pakistan

2- Which of the following planet is also known as ‘Earth Twin’?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

3- The part of the Himalayas between Tista and Dihang rivers is known as …. Himalayas.
a) Nepal
b) Kashmir
c) Assam
d) Jammu

4- The Northern plain of India is formed of …………….. .
a) metamorphic soil
b) igneous rocks
c) alluvial soil
d) old crystalline rocks

5- What is the other name of Sahyadri Range?
a) Lesser Himalayas
b) Shivaliks
c) Western Ghats
d) Eastern Ghats

Also read – Animals and their special characteristics – Environmental Studies (EVS)

6- Amazon river flows through which of the following country?
a) USA
b) France
c) Brazil
d) Canada

7- Which type of the forest is most widespread in India?
a) Tropical Evergreen Forests
b) Tropical Deciduous Forests
c) Montane Forests
d) Mangrove Forests

8- Which of the following is NOT a primary green house gas in the earth’s atmosphere?
a) Methane
b) Ozone
c) Nitrous oxide
d) Hydrogen

9- Which of the following imaginary lines join places with same level of rainfalls?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

10- The Patkai hills belong to which mountain ranges?
a) Himachal
b) Purvanchal
c) Himgiri
d) Hindu Kush

Also read – Important Idioms and Phrases with Meaning

11- Why the Earth is having its own atmosphere?
a) winds
b) clouds
c) gravity
d) rotation of the Earth

12- The Kaiga Nuclear Power project is proposed to be setup in which state?
a) Rajasthan
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Karnataka

13- In the biosphere living beings are inter-related and interdependent on each other for survival. this life supporting system is know as the ……
a) Ecosystem
b) Mountain range
c) Forest
d) Atmosphere

14- Marble comes under which category of rocks?
a) Sedimentary
b) Igneous
c) Metamorphic
d) None of these

Also read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

15- In which year did Kyoto Protocol came into force?
a) 2004
b) 2005
c) 2006
d) 2007

16- Spring tides occur on
a) full Moon day only
b) new Moon day only
c) the day when the Moon’s position is in its first quarter
d) full Moon day as well as on new Moon day

17- The Environment (Protection) Bill was passed by the Parliament of India in
a) 1986
b) 1972
c) 1981
d) 1984

18- Earthquakes are caused by
a) Tectonic Movement
b) denudation
c) Earth revolution
d) earth rotation

19- The typical natural vegetation above 3600 meters on Himalayas is
a) alpine grassland
b) alpine forests
c) coniferous forests
d) subtropical pine forests

20- Which river in India flows in a rift-valley?
a) Godavari
b) Narmada
c) Krishna
d) Cauvery

Also read – Classification of Computer

21- Seasonal migration of people is known as
a) Pastoralism
b) Momadism
c) Intra-migration
d) Transhumance

22- Rubber is a product of
a) fibre
b) latex
c) resin
d) gum

23- The country with the world’s largest natural gas reserves is
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Kuwait
c) Russia
d) USA

24- Which one of the following is the correct sequence of ecosystem in the order of decreasing productivity?
a) Oceans, lakes, grassland, mangroves
b) Mangroves, oceans, grassland, lakes
c) Mangroves, grassland, lakes, oceans
d) Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grassland

25- Which of the following lake is situated on the West Coast of India?
a) Ashtamudi
b) Chika
c) Pulicat
d) Kolleru

Also read – Important Antonyms for Competitive Exams (विपरीतार्थक शब्द)

Answers of above SSC Previous Years Questions on Geography

1(c), 2(b), 3(c), 4(c), 5(c), 6(c), 7(b), 8(d), 9(c), 10(b), 11(c), 12(d), 13(a), 14(c), 15(b), 16(d), 17(a), 18(a), 19(a), 20(b), 21(d), 22(b), 23(c), 24(d), 25(a)

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