Indian Polity Questions for UPSC and State PSC

In this following section of Indian Polity Questions for UPSC and State PSC and other competitive exams, 30 questions (MCQ) with 4 choices are given. Choose the right answer for each question. Answer of these Indian Polity Questions are available in the last of this post. Check how many of your answers are correct.

Indian Polity Questions for UPSC and State PSC

1- What is the literal meaning of the term “Quo-Warranto”?
a) We command
b) To forbid
c) By what authority (or) warrant
d) None of the above

2- _____means that the President of India can refer any matter that is of public importance of that which involves interpretation of Constitution to Supreme Court for advice.
a) Original jurisdiction
b) Writ jurisdiction
c) Appellate jurisdiction
d) Advisory jurisdiction

3- “United Nations Organisation” is listed in the _______list given in the 7th Schedule in the Constitution of India.
a) Union
b) State
c) Global
d) Concurrent

4- ______means cases that can be directly considered by the Supreme Court without going to the lower courts before that.
a) Original jurisdiction
b) Writ jurisdiction
c) Appellate jurisdiction
d) Advisory jurisdiction

5- Which of the following is not a fundamental duty?
a) To abide by Constitution and respect the National Flag
b) To promote harmony and brotherhood
c) To uphold and protect the sovereignty
d) Abolition of titles except military and academic

6- Which of the following are constituents of Indian Parliament?
(i) The President
(ii) The Council of States (Rajya Sabha)
(iii) The House of the People (Lok Sabha)

a) (ii) and (iii)
b) (i) and (ii)
c) (i) and (iii)
d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

7- ______writ is issued by a higher court (High Court or Supreme Court) when a lower court has considered a case going beyond its jurisdiction.
a) Habeas Corpus
b) Mandamus
c) Prohibition
d) Quo Warranto

8- Which article was referred to as the heart and soul’ of the Constitution by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?
a) Article 4
b) Article 32
c) Article 28
d) Article 30

9- Which of the following provision needs a special majority in Parliament?
a) Change in Fundamental Rights
b) Creation of New States
c) Abolition of Legislative Councils in State
d) Rules and Procedures in Parliament

10- Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution allows citizens to move the court if they believe that any of their Fundamental Rights have been violated by the state ?
a) Cultural and Educational Rights
b) Right to Constitutional Remedies
c) Right against Exploitation
d) Right to Freedom of Religion Remedies

Read – Biology Questions for Competitive Exams

11- Who is the custodian of Contingency Fund of India?
a) The Prime Minister
b) Judge of Supreme Court
c) The President
d) The Finance Minister

12- The Speaker of Lok Sabha addresses his letter of resignation to the
a) President of India
b) Prime Minister
c) Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
d) The Chief Justice of India

13- The Comptroller and Auditor General is closely connected with which of the following Committees of Parliament?
a) The Estimates Committee
b) The Committee on Public Undertakings
c) The Public Accounts Committee
d) All of the above

14- Chief Ministers of States are members of________
a) NITI Commission(Aayog)
b) Finance Commission
c) National Development Council
d) Election Commission

15- In the 42nd Constitutional Amendment, 1976, which word was added to the Preamble?
a) Democratic
b) Equality
c) Secular
d) Socialist

Indian Polity Questions for UPSC and State PSC contd..

16- The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament is appointed by the
a) President of India
b) Prime Minister of India
c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
d) Chairman of Rajya Sabha

17- The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of the lok Sabha is
a) One-fourth of the total membership
b) One-tenth of the total membership
c) Fifty percent strength of the Lok Sabha
d) At least hundred members

18- The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the Centre and the States falls under its
a) Advisory jurisdiction
b) Original jurisdiction
c) Appellate jurisdiction
d) Jurisprudence

19- Which of the following is not guaranteed by Indian Constitution?
a) Right to Equality
b) Right of religious freedom
c) Right to Constitutional remedies
d) Right to free education for all

20- In a Parliamentary form of Government
a) The Legislature is responsible to the Judiciary
b) The Executive is responsible to the Legislature.
c) The Legislature is responsible to the Executive
d) The Judiciary is responsible to the Legislature

Read – Parts of Speech

21- Which of the following statements is correct about the President of India?
a) Addresses first session of Parliament after each General Election
b) Addresses first session of Parliament at the beginning of each year
c) Addresses every session of Parliament
d) Never addresses Parliament

22- The name of the Upper House of Indian Parliament is
a) House of Lords
b) Senate
c) Rajya Sabha
d) Legislative Assembly

23- The Women’s Reservation Bill seeks how much reservation for women in the State Assemblies and Lok Sabha?
a) 25%
b) 30%
c) 33%
d) 36%

24- Who of the following enjoys the rank of Cabinet Minister in Union Cabinet?
a) Political Advisor to Prime Minister
b) Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
c) Judge of Supreme Court
d) Secretary to Government of India

25- Under which article of the Constitution of India, can the Fundamental Rights of the members of the armed forces be specifically restricted?
a) Article 19
b) Article 21
c) Article 25
d) Article 33

26- The ideal of Welfare State’ in the Indian Constitution is enshrined in its
a) Preamble
b) Directive Principles of State Policy
c) Fundamental Rights
d) Seventh Schedule

27- “To uphold and protect the Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of India” is a provision made in the
a) Preamble of the Constitution
b) Directive Principles of State Policy
c) Fundamental Rights
d) Fundamental Duties

28- Which part of the Constitution of India declares the ideal of Welfare state?
a) Directive principles of state policy
b) Fundamental rights
c) Preamble
d) Seventh schedule

29- Under the Constitution of India, which one of the following is not a fundamental duty ?
a) To vote in public elections
b) To develop the scientific temper
c) To safeguard public property
d) To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals

30- The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by:
a) First Amendment
b) Eighth Amendment
c) Ninth Amendment
d) Forty Second Amendment

Answers of above Indian Polity Questions for UPSC and State PSC

1(c), 2(d), 3(a), 4(a), 5(d), 6(d), 7(c), 8(b), 9(a), 10(b), 11(c), 12(c), 13(c), 14(c), 15(c), 16(c), 17(b), 18(b), 19(d), 20(b), 21(a), 22(c), 23(c), 24(b), 25(d), 26(b), 27(d), 28(a), 29(a), 30(a)

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