Multiplication Worksheet for Class-2
Dear readers, this is the Multiplication Worksheet for Class-2 (Grade-2) students. The student of Class-3 (Grade-3) can also use this worksheet. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. Multiplication Worksheet for Class-2 (Grade-2)
English Worksheet for Class-1 (A / An)
Dear reader, this is a English Worksheet for Class-1 (Grade-1) students on ‘A‘ and ‘An‘. The worksheet contains practice questions on the use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ for Class-1. The student of Class-2 can also use this worksheet to refresh their learning. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. English Worksheet…
English Worksheet for Class-1 (Has / Have)
Dear reader, this is a English Worksheet for Class-1 (Grade-1) students on ‘has‘ and ‘have‘. The worksheet contains practice questions on the use of has and have for Class-1. The student of Class-2 can also use this worksheet to refresh their learning. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. English Worksheet…
Math Worksheet for Class-2 (Set-3)
Dear reader, this is the Math Worksheet for Class-2 (Grade-2) students. The worksheet contains practice questions on simple addition, subtraction and shapes for Class-2. The student of Class-3 can also use this worksheet to refresh their learning. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. Math Worksheet for Class-2 (Grade-2)
Math Test Paper for Class-1
Dear readers, this is the Math Test Paper for Class-1 (Grade-1) students. The test paper contains practice questions on maths for examinations. The student of Class-2 can also use this test paper. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. Math Test Paper for Class-1
Nursery Syllabus
Most of the parents want to prepare their little one for their pre-school. Many times parents look for contents/ syllabus for Nursery. In this post Nursery Syllabus is given below: Read: Best Tongue Twisters in Hindi बारहखड़ी ककहरा Barahkhadi kakahara in Hindi & English हिन्दी वर्णमाला Hindi Varnmala Contents/ Syllabus for Nursery Syllabus for Nursery…
संयुक्त व्यंजन और संयुक्त व्यंजन से बने शब्द
इस पोस्ट में संयुक्त व्यंजन और संयुक्त व्यंजन से बने शब्द बताए गए हैं। हिन्दी में क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ और श्र को संयुक्त व्यंजन कहते हैं। यह निम्न रूप से बने होते हैं। क्ष = क + ष + अ त्र = त + र + अ ज्ञ = ज + ञ + अ श्र…
विसर्ग (:) – अः की मात्रा के शब्द
विसर्ग अः की मात्रा (ः) को कहते हैं। अः की मात्रा के शब्द (विसर्ग वाले शब्द) अः की मात्रा (ः) के साथ बने होते हैं। जैसे पढ़ें – चंद्रबिंदु के शब्द – अनुनासिक शब्द म + अः = म + ः = मः त + अ: = त +ः = तः अ + त +…
Math Worksheet on Number for Class-1
Dear readers, this is the Math Worksheet on Number for Class-1 (Grade-1) students. The worksheet contains practice questions on number name, number comparison, ascending order and descending order. The student of Class-2 can also use this worksheet. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. Math Worksheet on Number for Class-1 Practise…
Single Digit Subtraction Worksheet for Class-1
Dear readers, this is the Single Digit Subtraction Worksheet for Class-1 (Grade-1) students. The worksheet contains simple single digit subtractions without carry. The student of UKG can also use this worksheet. Please use “Download” button to download free pdf of this worksheet. Read – Cardinal Number and Ordinal Number Single Digit Subtraction Worksheet for Class-1…
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