SAP Basis Interview Questions


Some of the important questions for SAP Basis Interview are as below:-

Important Questions for SAP Basis Interview

  1. What are the steps to start and stop SAP system?
  2. How do you troubleshoot when your SAP system goes down?
  3. What are the Database Start-up AND Shutdown Steps?
  4. What is System Refresh? when and why it is done? 
  5. What is the difference between SAP_ALL & SAP_NEW?
  6. How do you Lock or Unlock a Client in SAP?
  7. What are the steps to update the Kernel? 
  8. How to do the TMS Configuration? 
  9. How to transport a request from OS level? [Read – How to Add Transport Request to Import Queue]
  10. What is the command to delete the SAP* user from the database? 
  11. How do you monitor your SAP systems?
  12. What is your back up strategy?
  13. What is the use of BRTOOLS? 
  14. How do you post a message to SAP? 
  15. Which method of role assignment i.e. SU01 or PFCG is preferable? and why?
  16. Incase, users are unable to login in your SAP system. How will you analyze the problem?
  17. Please specify the use of Service and Reference users?
  18. What do you understand from Client Refresh and why you do that? 
  19. What is Client Copy? 
  20. Incase, during the client copy, you need the user SAP* and it does not exist. What will you do? [Read – How to Add Instance to SAP MMC]

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